Check a box when Past due more the 1 year
New to this all. I'm trying to write a formula where if a date is more than 1 year in the past, it will check a box, but if no date is entered in a row the checked box will remain unchecked. I need to create a training log where not everyone is required to have the training. But certain training is on an annual basis.
How to count unique values in different columns
Hello, I am using smartsheet to run an internal promotion for some phone agents. The promotion is they have to refer 15 unique customers to our YouTube channel to earn the reward. So, I need to count the number of unique entries they have. For example, if an agent name matches my name@row, I want to count the number of…
Avg collect Error
Hello Community, I'm running into a bit of an issue. My previous worked fine for the year 2022 but now that we're in 2023 I need to adjust my formula to account for the year change. Below is the formula I had been using which has worked well in 2022. However, now that I'm attempting to collect the avg score from the same…
Lost of cell formatting (color, font type) in Alerts someone email
Dear users, I found that the automatically generated table by Smartsheet and incorporated to email (generated as a part of Alert someone automation workflow) for some reason lost the formatting of cell, f.i. if on the original Smartsheet webpage the cell is colored in green and text is bold in email I see regular font and…
Assigning agent to a row in "round robin"
"I am using: "=IF"([Row ID]@row <> "", INDEX({People Sheet Range 1}, MATCH(MOD([Row ID]@row, MAX({People Sheet Range 1})) + 1, {People Sheet Range 1}, 0))) on my primary sheet to return an agent name in sequence from the secondary {people sheet}. I can't get the formula to return the name, I just get the sequence number.…
Index & Match formula
Hi Smarties, I have a question on Index and Match formula. I am using the Project Management Office template set from Smartsheet. Based on the Intake sheet, a new project is created, and a number will be auto-assigned (SM-004) I made a few changes by adding in Project Type between Project Name and Project Manager. In…
SUMIFS in Smartsheet
Hi all, I'm trying to use SUMIFS in Smartsheet to sum actual hours for individuals between two dates. I'm using two sheets, one is the front facing table and the other is the raw data. I've tried this forumla which worked in excel, but won't work in smartsheet? =SUMIFS(sum_range, individual_range, criteria1, date_range,…
I want to count how many cells have a date.
I am trying to find a way to count how many cells in my column have a date in it. I use the formula =COUNT([Target Launch Date]6:[Target Launch Date]24) but it always appears the error code #DATE EXPECTED. I tried the same formula on other columns with text and it works perfectly fine. I also tried =COUNTIF([Target Launch…
Unique documentnumbers
Hi, I would like to know if is possible to create unique documentnumbers based on input in coloumns. Or more important the opposite, prevent that a number is used twice. E.g.: Metadata Projectnumber will always be the same, drawingtype 1 will/might be different, drawingtype 2 will/might be different, area code will/might…
Need help with calculation formulas - prepping for a dashboard
I'm trying to pull certain data from a test reference data sheet into a calculation sheet to later summarize for a dashboard. Here is my test reference data sheet I want to ask the question for the second column (also called "Range 1) IF the text "Jan 2023" appears in one of the cells in this column to return the "Title"…