Counting number of values from one multi-dropdown to another
Hi All, Hoping someone can help me with a COUNT formula please. I have 2 multi-dropdown columns and I'm wanting to count the number of selections from one column that appear in the other. To give a bit of context, Column 1 could have "A", "B" and "C" (but potentially many options), and Column 2 could have "A" and "B". I…
Formula for multiple MAX date conditions
Hi, I'm trying to create a formula that looks at the MAX date and of the MAX dates it finds (because there could be multiple entries with that date), look at the row with the MAX #'s associated with those MAX dates to check a box. I came up with this and I'm getting an Invalid error =IF(AND(MAX([Date Only]:[Date Only]),…
Add Dynamic Reference in Formula
Hi, I'm creating a summary sheet, I have a few sheets with the same columns, and I want to add COUNTIF formulas to the summary sheet, I'd like to know if there's any way that the Reference should be a dynamic option, so if a user chooses on the Reference sheet from a dropdown column: Sheet 1, the formulas knows to use…
How do I combine rows of data so that only some columns will have combined cells?
We have a pagination outline sheet for a book we create each year and each row has a different page number. A lot of the rows will have repeated information (i.e. Category and Sub Category) but the page number will be different each time. I want to combine all the rows when the data repeats for Category and Sub Category…
Index Collect formulae
Hi, I am using the below formulae to bring in the $ value tied to a Project ID. Works fine. - =INDEX(COLLECT({YTD Revenue}, {P ID}, CONTAINS([Reference / Notes/ P. ID]@row, @cell)), 1) Issue - Whenever there are scenarios with 2 or more Project IDs, I have to replace Reference / Notes/ P. ID with the actual "project ID"…
Formula Help
I have 2 columns. Annual Estimated Savings ($) Confidence (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) I need a formula that will total the value from column 1 each time 25% is chosen etc. from the amounts in "Annual Estimated Savings"
HH:MM calculation in Smartsheet
I need to do a time motion study of a process, so will use HH:MM format to get total time in minutes, I am finding it difficult in smartsheet, could you please help me how can I easily subtract Start time and finish time to get total time… I searched on smartsheet community, on this link :…
Lose data and dropdown list when I apply a column formula
I have a working cell formula that takes the parent value and adds it to the cell: =IF( COUNT(PARENT()) = 0, "", PARENT() ) But when I apply this as a Column Formula, it wipes all existing cell data in the column and also restricts the ability to use the Dropdown List column type function. I thought I could change the…
Aging report
Has anyone built an aging report within Smartsheet? I am looking to track the following three items time between when a row is submitted and the team is responding from the time a JIRA ticket is submitted and the status is changed to close Status column when it moves from client to closed
Can I use the Countif function to count the amount of times one column is greater than another?
For example, in my Smartsheet I have two columns that I would like to compare data. "Sprinkler Head Count (Estimated)" versus "Sprinkler Head Count (Actual)." I would like to count how many times in my sheet where the Actual head count is greater than the Estimated head count. Any ideas how we can achieve this? Thanks in…