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Discussion List
Formula for COUNTIFS and Dynamic Date Range
Hi Smartsheet Community, I am really struggling to get the right formula and have tried so many now I am losing it! I am trying to prepare dashboards for weekly project meetings based on SLAs. I need to look at the count sitting in a particular status that have a Contract Date of >28 days, 14-28 days and <14 days. Because…
Index Formula with CountIFS Running Total
Hi - trying to make a Training Matrix for my company. "Matrix" sheet has the following columns: Row: (Auto-Number) Doc ID: (Text = document needing to be trained on) Employee 1: Check Box if they need to be trained Helper: column formula to give running count of checked boxes =COUNTIFS([Employee1]:[Employee1],…
Cannot Edit formula?
I had my recruiter create a SmartSheet that we want to use to calculate starting pay for new hires. She has a few formula columns designed to assess the weight of a candidate's experience but she's running into issues/errors with some of them and I'd like to help. She's made me an Admin on this sheet but I am unable to…
Use a blank "Column Name"?
Is there a way to leave the "column name" blank for a Smartsheet column? Or, alternatively, input a blank placeholder (character or otherwise)? Why? I don't want any words, spaces, symbols showing up in the Smartsheet Calendar app from this "column name" but I do want the data within the column to show up on the Smartsheet…
Decimal point in parent row
I joined my child rows with a $ and .00 decimal point. But in the parent row it is only showing $ sign but not the decimal point. What should I do. This is the formula I used. ="$" + JOIN(CHILDREN(), CHAR(10) + "$") Thank you.
Froms Font
Can I change the size of the font in a form? The description font is very small. And how do I change the color / size of the link…it's there in blue but I want to make it white. I tried using the edit option to the right but it's not changing.
Match Cell Values
How do I copy the value from the Finish date of Task 1 to the Start cell of Task Red? How do I copy the value from the Finish date of Task A to the Finish cell of Task Red? They dates of the start and finish will be changed in the future so I need the updated dates to also change for Task Red.
If then formula for dates with multiple criteria
Sometimes what seems to be a simple formula, leaves me frustrated far too long. Here to humbling myself … I have an audit field (date field), I am trying to build a formula that will return the results of the audit based on date. When building the COUNTIF formula using both a date column and several test columns, I am…
Total Percentages Based off Check Box Selections
Good Morning Smartsheet Community, I am trying to calculate % based off check boxes selected on each row. Below are the fields I am calculating and the formula being utilized. Formula For %: =COUNT(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) / COUNT(Construction@row:Security@row) (With this formula I seem to be getting 117% with the…
How to make formula result editable text
I'm trying to string the results of several form questions into one cell — but I want to be able to copy/paste/AND edit that combined text in the cell. How? When I go in all I can do is edit the the formula, not the actual resulting text. Here's the specifics: I have several mandatory fields on a form that I want filled…
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