How can I get the Summarize function in report to use a standard unit?
I am writing a report, and the base data gives % of a person's effort. For some reason, when I sum the totals for a category, some of the groups give a whole number, and others give a % value. In fact, it would be great to sum to a whole number, like the row for Total and the row for Sponsored, since 100% indeed equals 1.0…
Help with formula: return value from cell in same column but different row if row criteria is met
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to write a formula to return a value from a DIFFERENT ROW but SAME COLUMN, when a row criteria is met. I can't figure out how to make it work and I am hoping someone can help! Here is what I am trying to do: in [another sheet], if the date in [row] is [>=Today(+15)] return value in [field]…
Autopopulating a job number
I have set up a sheet that will house our jobs. It has been requested that each job have its own row, nestled under the customer's name. Our job numbers are derived by using the customer number, year, and job number for the year. For instance, the first job of 2024 for Customer A with a customer number of 1000 would have a…
INDEX/MATCH Partial Match
I am trying to pull the tech level for a hearing aid based on a master list. The issue is that my source sheet has a simplified name of the hearing aid that is on the sheet I need a the tech level. I've tried multiple variations of INDEX MATCH and COLLECT and am not getting it to pull. Formula Sheet: Source Sheet:
Sum a column associate with children
I have the following layout, and I am trying to sum the "Ordered QTY" column for all children within each parent in a helper column so I can verify that amount with the parent "Ordered QTY". Any help would be appreciated and thank you very much…
Append cell value with previous value and new value from another cell
How do we append cell value with existing data.? for example. column source and target. target = target + source. so every value entered in source it should be appended to target with already existing value in target. any idea or formula , please help. thanks
How to use predecessors to auto update Part Numbers?
For my use case, I have a version of a product that only updates when it changes on the next version. So for example say I have an assembly that has 3 parts in it. Lets say V1 and V2 of this assembly are identical except 1 item is different so has a different number: V1: 001 [Input] 002 [Input] 003 [Input] V2: 001…
How can I ignore a blank cell in an IF formula?
I'm calculating the workdays between two days and updating the status in a different column. How do I make the formula ignore blank cells in the Install Difference column? =IF([Install Difference]@row >= 21, "Late Over 4 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 11, "Late Over 2 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 2,…
How to auto populate metrics sheet?
Hello, i'm looking for help to auto populate a Metrics sheet with data from an Intake Form that would provide average values arranged by Vendor/ Quarter/ Year?
Overall Health based on not completed tasks
I am looking to update this formula I currently use in the parent of the Health column. It currently looks at child rows below and returns the color of the most "severe" status. (if it find any red, it returns red) What I need: However, if the phase is completed and the rest of the tasks are on track, I don't want to…