Stoplight for Project plan tasks
Greetings! New to SmartSheet formulas - so need help on some of the basics, I guess :-)... Logic / Pseudo required: Formula below tested but could not be parsed: =IF([%Complete]@row = 1, "Blue", IF(AND([%Complete]@row < 1,[BSLN_Finish1]@row < TODAY()),"Red", IF(AND([%Complete]@row < 1,[BSLN_Finish1]@row > TODAY(),AND…
How to populate a column in a sheet based on a column from another?
Beginner here. I want to populate a column with the names of people in a new sheet, with the data to be taken from a column in an existing sheet. In this sheet, the names are given in the column multiple times over since it reflects each of the accounts these people have. I'd like each individual name to only be included…
i have the below formula to count "VCD" in a Column =SUM(COUNTIFS({Hubgrade Status Range 1}, HAS(@cell, "VCD"))) I want it to also check another column and give me back the result if that is blank. Is this possible to do?
COUNTIFS Referencing 3 sheets with two Criteria
I'm struggling with this one and could really use some help from the Smartsheet formula geniuses! On my metrics sheet for a team dashboard, I am trying to pull a count of items that are labeled with the priority level listed at the row and do NOT have a status of "complete". Below is my attempt and getting an error message…
If Error Vlookup multiple sheets
This is the formula i am using now. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP([Co#]@row, {Master Accounting Tracker 2022}, 4, false), VLOOKUP([Co#]@row, {Master Accounting Tracker Range 2}, 4, false)) How can I make this return a blank instead of #NO MATCH? Also, can you attach a third sheet to search if first two are errors?
How do I reference data to count Checked boxes that fall within certain date ranges?
Hi all, I am wanting to count the number of Checked boxes for the column HackerRank Sent in the sheet "2. Screenings" (Pictured below) that are found between dates 5/02/22 and 5/06/2022, and put this number in row 4 of the # Completed Column ( where #UNPARSEABLE is currently at) . Everything I have tried keeps giving me…
Mass Email Distribution with Customized Attachment
I cannot figure out how to solve this issue. I am trying to create a process that will eliminate mail merging customized documents with customized attachments through word. Step One: I have created my repository of data for needed customization. Step Two:: I have selected a group of rows and selected documentation…
Gantt chart task bar colors
How can you set the color of a task bar to update based on another column such as "In progress, Not Started, etc". I saw another thread that has been closed but i am not able to see "Gantt/Calendar", I just see task bar. And when i apply the rule in conditional formatting it does not update in the gantt chart, it only…
How to calculate a due date based on a project deadline?
I have a tracker that completes the due date for each line item based on the final deadline through either adding or subtracting. Is there a way to do the same in Smartsheet. Deadline 10.15.2022, Budget Development needs completed 270 in advance. Excel formula | =10/15/2022 - 270 = 01/18/2022 Any help would be greatly…
Need help calculating number of credits with multiple AND and OR functions
Logic I am trying to achieve is above and the formula that is returning an #UNPARSEABLE error is above, too. I'll need to repeat this formula for each of the months, so I'll just replace the 1's with 2's or 3's or 4's, etc. depending on the month column. Thanks!