COUNTIFS Formula not picking up additional rows
I created a COUNTIFS Formula to tabulate results from a column containing responses from a Multi Select Drop Down Form. Once I go the formula right, it calculated correctly but as additional rows have come in to the sheet, it isn't picking up those additional rows. One cell is still showing the original value, though based…
Nested if statement not working, am I doing the formula wrong or is it not working correctly?
Hi all - I am trying to do a nested if statement for an approval chain but I can not get it to return a value different than #UNPARSEABLE. Can someone check my formula and tell me where I am going wrong? =IF([Cell 1]@row = "No", "Rejected", IF([Cell 1]@row = "More Info Needed", "More Info Needed", IF([Cell 1]@row = "Yes",…
Find Entry
I have different entries for same id . How to check what is the latest entry for that id For exampe:
Nesting IF Formulas & Status Change
I'm using a sheet to track status of contracts based on their expiration dates. The formula below is what I've set up to try to show that I want the status to be GRAY for no expiration date, RED if the contract has expired, YELLOW if there are 30 days or less until expiration, and GREEN if there are more than 30 days until…
COUNTIFS with multiple criteria
I need help with creating a formula where there are several criteria based off two different things. My columns are "Received from LO" needs to be yes and "Document Type" is several criteria "Lease"; "Easement"; "Option"; and "Easement Option". I can't seem to figure it out. I have the first one done, but can't figure out…
Using Countifs in differents sheets and related with 2 columns
Hello everyone! I need some help. I'm trying to match a two formulas for each column, similar like these, |In Progress| =COUNTIFS({Progress}, <1, {Start}, >=DATE(2021, 05, 1), {Start}, <=DATE(2021, 05, 30)) ---- Result should be "2" since there're 2 dates in the column finish date with the month on May. (It should be…
How to use a value in AVG that is selected from criteria
Hello! Would like to ask a question regarding AVG and the ability to only pick up a value if a certain condition is meet. Here is what I'm using. =IF({Call Center_Help Desk Data Priority} = "Level 1 - Critical", AVG({Call Center_Help Desk Data Value TTFA})) Objective: To pull in a value to be averaged for all Level 1…
Projects rolling over from 2021-2022
Hello, I' currently working on our 2022 project sheet and it has identical columns from our 2021 sheet with changes to the projects that are listed, however, we have some from 2021 that are transitioning to 2022. Since they are still going to be working on the projects for the remainder of the year, I want to have project…
Can a field have a formula, and be editable??
I'm a relatively new user of Smartsheet, and am amazed at both its capabilities and the engaged community -- I've found answers to every question I've had. Until now... I have a solution I'm creating where there are multiple fields for components that make up a product. Because not all fields are necessary for every…
I am trying to pull PO totals over from one sheet to another where unique Claim ID numbers match that are present in both sheets. However, I keep getting the #UNPARSEABLE error msg. Formula: =INDEX(COLLECT({PO Value},{PO Value}@cell <> "", {Claim ID}@cell = [Claim ID]@row), 1) 1) {PO Value}: this is the source range that…