COUNTIFS with Dates
I'm trying to count the number of projects in the Public Works Department that have been updated after 11/14/2021. The below formula keeps coming back as #UNPARSEABLE. Can someone help tell me what's wrong with the formula. =COUNTIFS([LAST_UPDATE]:[LAST_UPDATE], >=DATE(2021, 11,…
Populate a date based on column status
Within the grid, there are 3 columns with dates that are updated by various teams. There is a 4th date column that I will need to read the other 3 columns and choose one based on what the "Status" column reads. If the status@row is "Complete" or "Not applicable", then I will need the "Steve Report Date" column to pull the…
If this and this and this then.......
I am trying to figure out a formula to tell me if something is "Currently Active". The way I have it setup currently is if today() is within my start date and end date cells it shows "True" in my Currently Active cell. I am using this formula. =IF(AND(TODAY() >= [Impairment Start Date]2, TODAY() <= [Impairment End Date]2),…
I think INDEX MATCH function? Help Please
Hello, I am looking to pull in information from one sheet to another in a column formula that matches certain criteria in one spreadsheet. Below please find a more detailed write-up of what I am trying to do. In screenshot one I am tying to create a formula that takes the "Total Committed Hours This Pay Period" from…
Selecting value from column based on dropdown selection
Hi, I have a planning sheet with several benchmark date columns. I have a single selection drop down column called Current Benchmark with each of the benchmark date columns included in the selection list. I am trying to create a formula so based on the drop down selected in Current Benchmark, the date of that benchmark…
SUMIFS with External reference to a single select dropdown
Hi, My apologies for my lack of brevity, I'm not even sure how to word or ask a question about this... I am obviously pretty new to Smartsheet. Objective: To be able to flag projects where the assigned resources don't have a lot of experience with the specific project type. Context: I created a sheet (SHEET A) that's…
Day counts
Hello, I am working on formulas to gather our end date/past end dates for example I want to capture 45-day, 30-day, 15-day, 10-day and 5-day I do not care if it is in a pie or metrics just not sure the best way to gather the data with there already being a formula in the column to calculate those days then present them on…
If Function
I've tried everything. I'm sure it's a simple fix. If Type = New, then Store Open Date needs to be OPS T/O + 4 days If Type= Remodel, then Store Open Date needs to be OPS T/O + 2 days. HELP! Please. Thank you. =IF((Type@row="New"), ([OPS T/O]@row+4), (Type@row="Remodel")([OPS T/O]@row+2))
Why am I observing this odd behavior with a "Created (Date)" column?
I think I've found a bug. I have a column that is of type "Created (Date)" called "Date" and another column called "DATE TEXT" which is a text column. DATE TEXT = Date + "" DATE TEXT is calculated by appending a null string to Date. I have noticed erratic behavior in another sheet that references this column, and I believe…
Nest IF Statement
Hello, I could sure use your help. I have multiple nested IF statements that I cannot seem to get to work correctly. Here is what I am trying to achieve: IF Date is Blank, Leave the cell blank IF MONTH = 1, return Jan IF MONTH = 2, return Feb, etc, etc. I can get the blank part to work but it won't seem to go past that to…