Formula for "HAS" and "CONTAINS"
I am trying to calculate how many hours each person is allocated to each project. We have list of all of the tasks pulled from each plan and I am trying to write a formula to calculate total hours if the project ID is in the sheet name, if the resource assigned is the person @row and if the start date is today + 7 days. It…
Total Float Errors
Hi all! I am working to show total float in a fairly robust project schedule. I've seen in other community posts that if you use lag ANR/OR have predecessors with a type other than Finish-to-Start, total float will not be accurate (i.e. large and negative numbers). Can someone explain why this is so I can communicate the…
How to capture the Name of the person who changes the column value?
Hi all, I'm trying to to capture the name of the person who does the final change in a material release in a process. Please see attached. The goal is to have the name of the person who clicks release (which is the final progress status). Do I need a formula for this? I used created by option in the sheet. Not sure if…
Using column formula when the formula in row 1 is different to the other rows...
Hey guys, I'd be glad of some help.... I'm trying to create a column formula which uses a piece of data from the row above, which it doesn't seem to like, as it appears that the formula must be created in row 1 for it to work? I want to use column formula as I'm adding to the sheet via a form and want the column to auto…
Need Help With Tricky Formulas
For my projects (one per "column"), I have a column for "Deadline", "Remaining Hours", and "Networking Days Between Today and Deadline". Then there are columns that need formulas that need to calculate "splitting all remaining hours" evenly across months up to the deadline (and a column for August 2024, September 2024,…
Are the SUMIFS formulas working properly?
This formula worked yesterday in my sheet summary field and today is not working.. =SUMIFS([Remaining Work]:[Remaining Work], Category:Category, OR(@cell = "FC Support", @cell = "Maintenance & Reliability", @cell = "HR", @cell = "Chewy Leadership Academy", @cell = "FC Operations", @cell = "FC Systems", @cell = "Supply…
How to show drop-down selections in children rows on parent row?
Hello - I have a Parent Row that is an Item (Hardware & Tools) and children rows that have specific departments associated with each hardware/tool listed. Is there a way the parent row will automatically show every department that is selected in the children rows? Screenshot below: So on the hardware & tools parent row I…
Please help with Formuala
I am trying to count the number of Contact Replies when the agent is 'x' and the status is 'x' =COUNTIFS({HDT_SourceSheet Range 2}, Agent@row, {HDT_SourceSheet Range 3}, {HDT_SourceSheet Range 1}, OR(@cell = "Closed", @cell = Solved")) Example Sheet Columns (Range2) (Range 1) (Range 3) Agent Status Contact Replies Ashley…
Is this an IF THEN helper sheet or just adding a new column?
I am trying to pull information to a smartsheet ("working") based on matching two columns on a separate "helper" sheet so for example on my "helper" sheet I have something like Company Rep ABC Computers John Smith Egghead Sam Talbot Disks R Us Joe Talco On my "working" smartsheet I need to be able to enter the information…
Populating master sheet from another sheet it produces.
Hi everyone, long story short, our team has a form where individuals can submit issues for upper management review. Once our team reviews, we select "yes" under "ready for SDLT review". this is where my question begins… SDLT will meet as a group separately, and I'd like them to only see items which we've selected "yes" to.…