Index, collect, Max
Need help selecting the most recent two notes into a single field based on the current date. Data: Grid 1 Desired output example: one Site with the last repair two notes in the same field. Current notes field formula: ? Grid 2 -MAX(COLLECT AND INDEX(MATCH variations with no success. Index(collect(IF(D6 ="","",TEXT(Date,"d…
How do I populate a destination sheet with data from a source sheet based on a checkbox from source.
I need to bring data from column 6 of source sheet based on a checkbox being checked in column 1 in same sources sheet. Is this possible?
Count a row if the date AND Member Number both do not match another row
I am trying to create a formula where it creates a 1 in a column where the date AND the Member Number both in one row do not match the date AND the Member Number in another row. For example, in this row, the date is 05/20/21 and the Member Number is 987654. If another row also had the date as 05/20/21 and the Member Number…
Formula Help
I am trying to return a symbol with my IF formula, using the symbol "title" as the value. My formula keeps returning "unparseable" any advice??? its a zero to five star symbol based on a different cells value that changes with a form for rating. =IF([Average Rating]2<0.5, "Empty", IF([Average Rating]2<1.5, "One",…
Fill in Date Columns with Letter to represent a Hotel
Hey! I am working to convert a google doc and its formulas to smartsheet. Essentially, I am using smartsheet as a rooming list that lists people, their hotel, and their check-in and out dates. There is a column for every date so we can add up the totals of everyone at each hotel on a given night. What I am hoping to do is…
Multiple Countifs with Or statements
I need to create formula, where it will put a 1 if a person is assigned to an activity during a given time frame. What I'm looking to do is search for a name in Sheet B and see if it falls in a given time frame. The issue I'm having is that the name can be in any of the columns Tech1 to 6 in my second sheet. I am trying to…
Index, Collect multiple criteria
I am trying to index, collect the approver name from a matrix of approvers by business role. The formula works if only one business role approval type is displayed, however I need to be able to assign an approval/ sign-off name for all business role approval types selected =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({BRD approver name},…
If/Then Statement to Return a specific date
Hello, I am new to Smartsheet and though I feel like this should be a simple formula, I am stumped. I am hoping to create an automation that would calculate a due date from a date received based on the value selected from a drop down list. So if I choose option a from a drop down list (Permit Type), then add 30 days to the…
IF Statement for automatic checkbox
Hello. I have two columns "Gate Status" and "Gate Current (Mdays)". I'm trying to write a formula that does automatically adds a checkbox to "CurrentGateLate" column when the following happens. When "Gate Status" = "Gate 1" and "Gate Current (Mdays)" is greater than 10, then add checkbox. And....When "Gate Status" = "Gate…
Cross sheet reference form limited number of columns
Hi group, I am trying to use a formula with a cross sheet reference but when the cross sheet reference form opens i only see about 5 columns of the 50 columns on the reference sheet and the ones i need are not there. I cannot find out what i need to do. Can you help? Thanks, Judith