How to convert my formulas to a column formula
How do I convert these formulas to a column formula? So the formulas work perfectly; however, I find myself constantly updating the source sheet when someone inserts or enters new records and then I have to go to my metrics sheet to make sure they are applied. I'm doing way too much manually work with these sheets and I…
Convert date from one cell to text in another cell
Hello, I am trying to convert a date in one cell to text in another cell, but have not been able to figure out an eloquent/simple formula to do so. The use case is: I have a planned start date column where the cells are populated with dates. I want to have that date translated into a Month label (drop down) in another…
Vlookup cell isn't multiplying with another cell.
Hi guys whenever I am trying to multiply my Vlookup cell with another cell it gives a Value error. I have linked web data to other sheets and have a vlookup for specific data in cell D6. In G6 I then want to multiply D6 by a value in F6 using =D6*F6, but a value error occurs. I have also tried copying and pasting the…
If statement with dates
Hi there, I am trying to put a formula in a symbol column (Yes, Hold, No options) and want the formula to make the symbol for "Hold" if the due date is within 14 days of TODAY. This is the formula I have come up with but I am not getting the "Hold" portion =IF([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), "No", IF([Due Date]@row < TODAY(-14),…
Trying to multiply 2 cells- one contains a long IF & VLOOKUP statement
I have the following problem. I am trying to multiply the value of two cells. One is a numeric value entered into a form the other is the answer to a nested IF ( VLOOKUP) formula. I keep getting and #INVALID VALUE error. I need the result to be a $ value that comes from the length of rental period selected multiplied by…
Sum previous month data across year end
I'm trying to write a formula to summarize warranty dollars for "treaters" in December to present on a dashboard. Below is what I have for a formula but it is saying "#invalid operation" and I haven't been able to figure out what I'm doing wrong. =SUMIFS(Treater:Treater, Year:Year, IF(Month:Month = 1, =(YEAR(TODAY()) - 1),…
SUMIFS and Sheet Summary Date
Hello all, I am wondering if it is possible to use the date in a sheet summary to pull all data for a specific date. I have a current formula that looks like this: =SUMIFS(Payed:Payed, Date:Date, Date#, Denomination:Denomination, ="$0.01") The formula is looking through Date:Date to find dates that match Date#, which is…
I'm getting #NoMatch error on AVERAGEIF
I am using the Smartsheet JIRA connector to pull data into my sheet then I'm performing multiple calculations to get the % Complete for Stories (triple weighted score). I'm taking that calculation then rolling it up to the Epic (for all Stories) then the Theme (for all Epics). Formula for rolling up Stories to Epics:…
Formula question. INDEX? MATCH?
I am trying to get a value returned from a specific column if the other columns in that row meet certain criteria. For example, return me the value in column x if column y is "this facility" and column z is today's date.
How do i make an empty or blank cell equal "$0.00" in Smartsheet?
I would like to make certain columns on a sheet that has empty or blank cells to show $0.00, rather than being blank. Can I create a formula that says "if a cell is blank, make it show $0.00"?