VLOOKUP is data type of TEXT instead of DATE - sorting is off
I am currently creating an report which looks up dates based on specific milestone tasks over a number of project sheets. When the vlookup calculation is entered and I hit the Return key, is it giving me an alert that the value is not in date format. Being the admin, I am able to override this. But when sorting, it sorts…
Index and match multiple sheets
Hi, I have an index and match formula set up for 1 sheet and it works great but how do I handle it if I want the index to look at data from multiple sheets to pull the correct information. My current formula is: =INDEX({Site Number}, MATCH([Site ID]62, {Site Name}, 0)) I would like the index to look at the site number on…
Using One Checkbox to Check Another
We have a task sheet that uses 3 checkbox columns (Sent, Received or Done, N/A). We have a formula that counts the number of tasks and how many are completed based on the Received or Done column. We are trying to make it so if the N/A box is checked, it automatically checks of the coinciding Received or Done box. Please…
Fighting an IF formula
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying to get a response for "if the issue date is more than 10 days from the begin date AND the task is not 100%, show Late. Otherwise show 0. I will then be writing a report that shows only late. =IF(AND(NETWORKDAYS(Begin1, Issue1) > 10, "Late", "0", [%Complete]5 < 1), "Late",…
N/A Column leads to #DIVIDE BY ZERO
I'm working on an onboarding tracker where I'm using an "N/A" checkbox in order not to count the modules that individuals aren't required to take. I'm using another checkbox to represent "Done" and the percentage complete - =COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Done16), 1) / COUNTIF(CHILDREN([N/A]16), 0) If an entire module is chosen as "N/A"…
Issue with CountIf not correctly calculating
Hello, I am using the formula =COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), 1) + "" to count the total number of checked check boxes. However, The number displayed is 0 when I can clearly see the box is checked in that column. For other columns it displays a number but not an accurate count of checked boxes within the column. Is there a different…
Using COUNTIF and SUMIF with dates
Hi everyone, I need help understanding how I can use dates in COUNTIF and SUMIF formulas. I have all other parts of the formula working but as soon as I try and add a date condition at all it fails. What I need is something that makes it include all rows where the date in the column Date Closed is the current month. My…
Simple formula to show if two cells match- what am I doing wrong?
Hey everyone, I am having trouble with what I thought would be a simple formula: I have a sheet that is drawing information from two different sheets via cell linking and a SumIf formula: Total Order Cost, which is linked to one sheet and Invoice Total, which is summing all cells that match my primary column, which is…
Status Change if Column Checked
Hi everyone, I need some help with a formula that just doesn't want to work for me. Currently my status column changes according to the {Proof Approval - Kim} column. It works fine (formula shown below) Now I want to add on to this formula so, if the column {Out For Approval} is checked, I want the status to change from…
If/Or formula wit a Checkbox.
I need to color a ball yellow if the value in a column is between .05 and .15. If the value in the same column is greater than .15 OR a checkbox is selected, I need the ball to be red. Not sure how to accomplish this. Appreciate your help.