Smartsheet Mobile Apps - New Features Study
Hello everyone, We’re working on exploring a new feature to improve the Smartsheet mobile apps. We’d love to chat with a few of you to understand how you use our mobile apps today. If you’re interested, please sign up on this form here: http://bit.ly/2XpJz6z We will reach out to you soon! Thank you, Arjun Lalwani - Product…
Ignoring blank cells with INDEX and COUNT
Hello, I had some fantastic help from Andree with the first part of my sheet, but i'm having trouble to get the below formula to ignore any blank cell in the column. I've tried ISBLANK.....but I cant get it to work... =INDEX([Generator Location]:[Generator Location], COUNT([Generator Location]:[Generator Location])) Hope…
Web form field not self populating in email confirmation
Hello! I am hoping for some guidance please. I set up a web form early last year to allow customers to populate my smart sheet to get purchase orders for transport trailer services, the smart sheet would then give a confirmation email with the self populated order number listed. It saved me so much time and now its stopped…
Pull data from excel and update Smartsheet
Hi everyone.. I am new to the community..so hopefully my question is not too stupid :D I am currently using Excel to calculate a value by using the normal distribution formula. I would like to pull this value from excel and then update a cell in Smartsheet. It is an on-going exercise so the fetch should be done regularly…
Integration SS Vs Gforms
Hi everyone... I'm making an integration between SS and GForms, but i need to bring the PDF attachments people upload in the form into Smartsheet. Is that possible??
% Concluído x % Planejado
Olá, como fazer para criar 2 colunas com calculo de % de conclusão? Eu precisava controlar nos cronogramas de projetos o "%" concluído x o "%" do que havia sido planejado, como tem no project. Alguém consegue me ajudar?
Smartsheet template with approval request
Hello, We will need to create multiple number of sheets periodically and thinking of creating them from a Template. The sheets will be quite basic/plain - mainly contain free text, drop down list, number and dates. I am quite sure this can be accommodated by the template. Can the template also cater for Approval requests?…
Profit Grid
Just wanted to share this. I figured out how to build an employee profit grid. We use forms to track tasks jobs & time spent on tasks. We're now able to pull this info into a report that calculates how much PROFIT the team member makes, or if they're costing us money!
VLOOKUP for highest value
Can someone show me how to use a VLOOKUP for the highest value? For example: =VLOOKUP(LARGE([% of Target]1:[% of Target]16, 3), Name1:[% of Target]16, 2) Basically by the LARGE([% of Target]1:[% of Target]16, 3) I am returning a value of 52% (which is the third highest value). This is automatic. =LARGE([% of Target]1:[% of…
New Formulas
It seems there was recently an update that included a large number of new formulas. Does anyone have the comprehensive list? Any special notes about individual ones?