Holding a calculation until specified date.
Hello, I would like to set up a row of cells to run a calculation at a specified date and time. If that is not tricky enough, I want that calculation to remain as is thereafter even though the data that the calculation uses would change frequently. Is there a way to prevent a cell from running a calculation until a…
Printing row with selected columns only
Is it possible to print out a row without printing all of the columns? I have a task scheduling and tracking sheet from which i would like to print a task (row) without including pricing information included in one of the columns. TY
Stacked Column Charts
Hi all - I'm in the process of creating my first dashboard and struggling a bit. I'm attempting to create a stacked column chart to show a count of items by both Region and District. For example - Regions 1 through 10 all have 5 Districts within them, and I want to report on how many sales have been closed in each District…
Deactivate temporarly all "Alerts & Actions"
Hi all, i need to make some updates on my spreadsheets, that were not made on due time. But i don't want to confuse people by triggering notifications and alerts of actions already completed. Is there any way of deactivating all the "Alerts & Actions" at the same time, and then activating them again as soon as i got…
Make the rich text editor edit report cells on the dashboard
Greetings everyone, I was wondering if using the rich text widget to edit a cell in your report on the dashboard live is possible. The logic behind it is: The rich text editor is linked to the cell from a report and updates data simultaneously. Thus, I wouldn't need to go back and forth to the report and then to the…
How to use Trend Arrows to show change in RYG
Is there a formula that would highlight the trend of a change in RYG balls ? For example, if someone changes the status of a project from Green to Red, it would show a down arrow. If someone changes the arrow from Red to Yellow, it would show a Upward arrow. Thanks for your help!
Assign a last history of the cell into a column
Hello, I would need to track a lead time of request approval. I keep those approval status from several approvers of 2-4 people in the cells. I understand that there is a activity log report. however it still needs manual mapping to identify each approver timestamps and calculate time lag. My goal is assign a last activity…
Is it possible to get a weeks beginning/ending dates from weeknumber?
I have figured out a different set of formulas to get a beginning/ending date for a specific week and month. But have been asked if its possible to use the following: =countif(range, Weeknumber(@cell) = Weeknumber(Today()) to meet a date range criteria (something similar for month). I've tried the following with no…
Question on multiple predecessors
Hello! When using 2 predessors for one row, smartsheet calculates the later start date. How can I manage to get the earlier start date. For me it sounds like a common requirement. Start as early as necessary to meet 2 alternative deadlines ... Kind regards Michael
SUMIF problem - "#incorrect argument set"
Hello, I am getting the "# INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET" error when using the following formula: "=SUMIF({Treads Extruded 2019}, MAX({Week no.}) = [Current wk no.]1, {Production Qty})" I have attached an image of the table I am working with, removed any sensitive information. I want to add all of the production quantity up for…