Include built-in analytics for tracking the activity to Calendar App
As many other users, we are using the Calendar App in Smartsheet to share upcoming trainings with your customers and we want to track the activity or number of visits to this Calendar App. So far I have not found any option, so would be great if Smartsheet include built-in analytics for tracking the activity or number of…
Improve AAD Sync of manager
We have enabled the User sync between Smartsheet and our Azure Active Directory. Now we faced the issue, that attributes like Division, Department and Cost Center where not synced anymore for many users. After investigating and the help of Smartsheet Support, we found out, that the sync of these users did not work, because…
Better looking card view - colors & conditional formatting
Although I am satisfied with a grid view, many others prefer a card view with colorful eye appeal. It would be really helpful to gain engagement if the conditional formatting from the grid view carried over to the card view. Thank you.
Alternate Email Address Report
Please add a column in the User List report that displays all of the alternate email addresses associated with that account. This would make finding users much, MUCH faster than it is now. I have to either contact support or randomly guess at which account may have the alternate email. An alternative idea would be to allow…
Control resoultion for export Gantt to image
The current export Gantt to image tool is useless because the resolution is so low that text is unreadable. Please either up the image resolution, or (preferably) provide us with a slider to adjust the image resolution setting. Thanks.
Run Workflows on a concurrent schedule or group workflows to run in select order
Have multiple workflows kick off based on a set of actions, that are in a group of processes either run as a concurrent process with a starting action, or order of operations that are real-time.
Integrate Smart sheet with learning management system
Hi It would be a good idea to be able to integrate smartsheet with LMS particularly cornerstone
Configure Primary Domain in Safe Sharing
When we configured Safe Sharing this week, we added all of the domains in our organization except for the primary domain cswg.com. This did not limit any internal sheet sharing , but it did cause a firestorm of automations failing. Multiple licensed users suddenly received emails from SS saying one or more automations had…
Safe Sharing Awareness When Configuring Automations
If you have configured Safe Sharing, so that sheets cannot be shared outside of your organization(s), there is an option to prompt/lead users to a custom URL. This could be your own internal company policy or form. We have set up a custom dashboard where we have embedded both the text of our policy and a Smartsheet form to…
Data Shuttle Features should be native to Smartsheet
Making certain features such as not being able to upload data into an existing sheet is a serious flaw in the foundational system and making it a premium paid add-on to get this feature that users have repeatedly requested isn't a great business model.