We would like to be able to display resource hours by project and other similar information on a Power BI dashboard but have no way to get the RM data into PBI right now. Request a connection for RM similar to the one that exists for Smartsheet.
I am coming from a Microsoft "InfoPath" environment. The forms in that tool were very robust and could be customized as needed. Can Smartsheet forms be enhanced to allow the same level of configuration, layout, rules etc.? In my workplace, we work via the form, not the Smartsheet list. I need the ability to arrange and…
I reached out to Smartsheet to see if there was a way to add custom columns to Proofs. We're looking to add job info into the automatic email sent to other users asking for proof. Right now, the email shows just the row number. What does the community think of this idea for enhanced info sharing!
Please add functionality to toggle Name or Commenter to off when a column is set to Latest Comment. For example: "Park Approved 1/31" instead of "Mike Stone - Park Approved 1/31"
It would be so helpful to be able to group the Resource Management Analytics (Report)- Utilization View by PROJECT. Project grouping is currently available for the Time & Fees view, but not Utilization. See attached.
Need option to customize message for update request. Currently email update shows an action to Go to Sheet as well as Open request. We need option to eliminate the Go To Sheet command.
Goal: Enable the option to show or hide field labels in the Board view to make it easier to interpret data on the cards. Problems: Currently the field labels are hidden and it can be a challenge to remember what each piece of data represents. Proposal: The labels when visible, would be shown in a light color so as not to…
When sending automated workflow messages, users have the option to receive an automated email with a link to the smartsheet following submission of their response if they check the box 'send me a copy of my response'. Often times, my users won't have access to the smartsheet and so it causes confusion when they receive a…
I would like to see a rework of the "Unable to display chart" prompt in the Charts widget. I am building a series of dashboards using Grouped and Summarized reports as the source data for charts, pulling basic counts across multiple sheets. These reports are counting open and overdue tasks, the goal being that they'll be…
When scrolling through grid or calendar views it is cumbersome to get back to the current month. The addition of a Today button would be quite helpful, and it would align with the functionality provided in the mobile app, which already has a Today button.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
I would like to be able to put a clickable URL in a form to direct users to a web page from the Help Text on a question on my form. Please consider adding the functionality to be able to add clickable links/URLs. Thanks!
With a wider canvas now available for dashboards, it would be nice to be able to control the size of the grid (i.e. 10 x 10, 20 x 20, etc.) to accommodate precision when placing widgets.
With all the buzz about a wider canvas now being available for dashboards, wouldn't it be cool if we could have a similar canvas for designing forms? This could eliminate the amount of white space and linear formatting by allowing us to place our form fields and sections anywhere on the canvas vs. just top to bottom,…