Hide non-working days in GANTT Views
I would be good to have an option to NOT display the non-working days when in GANTT view in a Sheet or Report. By displaying the weekends and holidays, This could be achieved by changing the Project Settings, in either Timeline Display or Dependency Settings (under edit Non-working days) as a checkbox. Without this option,…
Column border style
Hello! Just a simple idea that might be interesting for other users. When you have many columns with different categories, there is no simple way to make a visual distinction that allows you to "group" data vertically. So far, what I'm doing is to create a "fake" border using an empty column with background color. This has…
SmartSheet new user subscription model (USM) - provisional status
Currently, there is no notification / pop up / label / status etc, for an end user to know and realize that they become a provisional status user type (and will be either upgrade to Member or downgrade to Viewer at the next true-up / reconciliation) This indication is essential and important, as the end user should know…
Sheet Summary Formatting - Sections with Headers, Dividers
I use sheet summaries often to help my team quickly see what the overall metrics are for a given sheet. I wish you could format the sheet summary to create sections. If I'm measuring three different types of metrics on a single sheet, it would be wonderful if I could create sections within the sheet summary for each of…
Subfolders within Collections
This enhancement request is to enable the user to create subfolders within a Collection for organization purposes.
Collapse When Completed
When the completion marker (ideally configurable based on a selected column) is "complete" the hierarchy for that parent item should collapse to free up space since those child items are no longer part of active work. This would make long-running projects/sheets much easier to manage by displaying only the active work…
Add New Comment as a Workflow Action
Our organization uses the comments section of each row to share updates. It would be excellent if we could add workflow automation to automatically add a comment in certain scenarios, such as when another value changes.
Add Grouping to Report Exports
When exporting a Report to PDF or Excel from Smartsheet, grouping and summary rows should be included. As I utilize a lot of automated reporting, via PDF, this would create consistency in the report view and exported view.
Ability to "undo" is removed whenever the sheet saves
Whenever the sheet saves (automatically or otherwise), all ability to undo is taken away. This causes problems when you are troubleshooting a formula and you cannot undo to a time when it worked properly.
Control Center - Allow for the ordering of Blueprints in Control Center
We would like to be able to order the blueprints based on our own priority list and not the creation date.