Workspace color & logo needs to be more prominent
I use workspaces with clients and brand the workspace with the clients logo and brand colors. This used to show across the top of every page within the workspace, but a recent update has removed this so that it only appears when you have the "workspace panel" open. The result of this is that 1) the logo looks odd in many…
"Attachments" Needs Folder Capability
I have a need to upload many photos, sometimes over a hundred, to every line on a sheet, but the lack of the "Attachments" feature to allow for folders forces us to upload these files to the "Proofs" feature. Unfortunately, this can be a lengthy process in uploading and subsequently in just trying to open the proofs. It's…
Calendar View Integration with Outlook Calendar by filtration
Is there a way if I were in calendar view and have a filter setup (filtered by 1 specific name and task) I can have it integrated into Outlook based on that one filter instead of it all row submissions dumped into my outlook calendar at all?
AI for formula in Summary sheet fields
When creating formulas for summaries, starting in the field in the summary, you can click the AI sparkle icon and create the formula. But you cannot Apply the formula to the summary field like you can apply it to a general cell in the sheet. I can copy and paste the formula to the summary field, but why not go all the way…
Comments to appear in email notification for update request
We have set up an update request automation to include comments. However, when the email comes through, it does not show the comments and the only way to view them is to open the request. It would be nice to see the comments in the emailed notification prior to needing to open the request.
Add custom sort button to ribbon
I have a sheet that uses all three tiers of sorting (and could really use a fourth). Every time my sheet updates with new content from its linked form, I have to re-select each tier for the sort. Excel saves the last custom sort, so, even though neither has an automatic sort capability, you only have to do a couple clicks…
Document Generation/Mapping included in templates
If I save a sheet that I've created a document mapping for as a template, that document mapping t should be a part of a template. It does not make sense that a document mapping saved in a template would not be used in the template. A document mapping that is saved within a template should be maintained when the template is…
Add RM Project Custom Field Values to Timesheet Display
User Story: As a project team member, I want to be able to quickly identify and select the correct RM project name displayed on the timesheet, so that hours entered will be accurate. Problem Trying to Solve: Project team members cannot differentiate projects with identical names to select for time entry. The link to the…
Change Login so that SSO Users do not have to log in every time
Prior to the implementation of the TOTP, if a user logged into Smartsheet one time using SSO, their login information was cached and subsequent times of navigation to Smartsheet did not require another login. That has now changed so that users are required to login every time. This has caused a log of confusion to our…
Restore "Sign in with your company account" to the default welcome page
We are in the age of Single Sign-on. SAML should be upfront and centered on the default welcome page. Would "Sign in with your company account" be presented if Google, Microsoft, and Apple were disabled?