Proof notifications - Allow @mention notifications on Proofs to users not shared to sheet
For comments in Proofing window, allow @mention notifications to users not shared to sheet. Currently, if someone is @mentioned on a Proof comment they have to be shared to the sheet to receive a notification. In many cases, confidential information is on the sheet and person commenting should only see the comment and not…
Ability to Change a Project Name in Control Center
We have a Department that changed names this year. Our Departments are setup as projects, so to rename it we had to make a new project and move the other projects under this Department. If we could just rename the project this would have fixed the issue
Creating distribution lists in smartsheets
I am an admin on a workspace only. Without being a "group admin", is there a way to create a distribution list for a workspace only? I would like to avoid sharing my distribution lists to my entire company to avoid unnecessary distribution lists on the company directory
Possible to change the Resource Allocation End date in bulk for one project.
We have a large number of resources for multiple projects. For us, it's very difficult to change the allocation when the project date has been changed. If you can work on this, we can extend the resource allocation end date in one way for all the resources in the single project, which will help us minimize our effort for…
Bulk allocation change in one way in Resource Management
Hi Team, We have a large number of resources in multiple projects. For us, it's very difficult to change the allocation when the project date has been changed. If you can work on this we can extend the resource allocation date in one way for all the resources in the single project it will help us minimize our effort for…
Additional data/fields for contact
Hello Team , The Contact feature as of now include only contact name and email I would like to suggest to add more fields for a contact . Example : Mobile and Phone , Address and photo specially for non smart sheet members This is will help us to reduce adding many columns that not needed just to add above data. might have…
Personal Workflow Automation Library that sheets can reference as needed
I'd like to be able to build my own library of workflow automation and be able to "apply" selected workflow automation directly from the Project Plan Smartsheet. Also be able to share my library with others in my account that they may include into their own library so they do not have to reinvent the wheel. Advantages: 1)…
Proofs available as file attachments in Dynamic View
We would like for Proofs to be available within Dynamic View
Allow wrap text in Dynamic View to work when a URL is included in the field.
Hello, currently, when I include a URL in a cell (along with other text) and that cell is included in a Dynamic View, the wrap text function does not work well, since the text gets cut off at the right instead of wrapping and displaying in full. Please enable wrap text to work correctly even when a URL is included in…
Change date format of attachments
Looking to be able to change the regional date format of attachments on sheets. This has previously been possible on a day-month-year format, but has now changed to a month-day-year format where it is unable to be changed to our preference.