[RECAP] BARK x Dave Stangle: The Power of Knowing Your Audience
If you are a dog person who also loves marketing, do I have a treat for you. Join us for a delightful conversation with Dave Stangle, VP of Brand Activation at BARK, who shared a prime example of creating value by knowing your audience like the back of your hand. 🐶 Intrigued? Here’s what you can expect: Dave shares why he…
Index Collect Simplification
Hello, I have a formula running a few different if formulas that I'd like to simplify if possible: =IFERROR("MTD: " + IF(INDEX(COLLECT({MTD}, {Dallas Process Name}, Description@row), 1) <> "", INDEX(COLLECT({MTD}, {Dallas Process Name}, Description@row), 1), "Und") + ", RPO: " + IF(INDEX(COLLECT({RPO}, {Dallas Process…
When emailing a form, what happened to the summary table?
Recently, I sent an audit to 450 people with over 1800 accounts. Some users, who have many accounts, find it challenging to review all their accounts at once without reaching out to others for answers. To know what they need to respond to, they must open the form/sheet and manually record their accounts they need to…
This discussion was created from comments split from: AverageIf with multiple criterion.
Writing a formula that Sums the values in the "PO Amount" column for a specific company
I am trying to write a formula that calculates the sum of a column on another Smartsheet ("PO Amount") if the value is a number and is not company "ABC" in the column "Vendor" on another sheet as well. This is the formula I have tried: =SUMIF(AND({In Vivo Study Tracker Range 1},<> "ABC Company", {In Vivo Study Tracker…
INDEX/COLLECT or INDEX/MATCH with 2 parameters
I have tried both collect and match. The goal is to bring the PO# from Sheet 2 to a specific cell in Sheet 1. I want the PO# when the Meeting ID on Sheet 2 is the same as the Meeting ID at the row or the column (It is the same) AND when the Vendor Type is A/V. =INDEX(COLLECT({Vendor PO2}, {Vendor Type}, "A/V", {Meeting…
Conditional Formatting not applying to entire column, even with helper column added
Hi - I have a colleague who has a sheet with conditional formatting that turns the cell and text in a particular column GREEN if the date is within the last 31 days. As you can see below, only half the conditional formatting not applying to certain rows. I've gone and done the "helper column" trick and tried it that way,…
Formula for SUM IFS
I am looking to write a formula that Sums a PO Amount column if PO is a number and Vendor does not equal ABC Company. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
how to parse data from one cell to multiple columns by a delimiter
Hi i would like some assistance parsing this data to multiple columns using a delimiter: "|John doe1 1/1/25 02:00| Opened task |John Doe2 1/1/25 02:10| Faxed |John Doe3 1/1/25 02:10| Called Jane doe"
Why do the Rich Text Formatting controls disappear after the page has loaded?
I am trying to center align text for a column in a Report, and I know I have done it before, but for some reason right now the rich text formatting controls appear for just a second after refresh and then they disappear. After that I have tried selecting individual cells, individual columns, collections of cells,…