Deactivate form after set # of entries/submissions OR by date
It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries. For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demographic information on the individuals. The first 40 submissions are eligible for a 'free lunch' and we don't want to continue…
Multiple editors of a Jira Connector Workflow
When I create a Jira Connector Workflow, I am the only person who can edit the workflow. I can see other workflows but can only Delete or Disable them. I have been researching this but have only found articles talking about how this is a new feature request but has not been implemented yet. The articles are a couple of…
⚡ Special Characters in Control Center
Hello! We have a few blueprints in Control Center with a lot of assets. We're trying to use emojis/icons to draw attention to certain sheets & group/sort them while minimizing the number of folders. For example, one folder might contain something like this: 🗺 Project Plan A 🗺 Project Plan B 🗺 Project Plan C 👥 My Tasks…
Symbol Flexibility - more symbol colors/options
The ability to build our own Symbol Sets for a drop-down menu (even just using the pre-existing individual symbols, not creating a custom symbol itself) is a desirable asset and would assist in various data management senarios that require the use of more than four or five categories of classification
Attachment Backup/Download - Smartsheet Line Reference
I am familiar with multiple ways to back up a sheet & comments (download, data shuttle, backup) and I am familiar with multiple ways to back up attachments (download, backup). All good on both fronts. What I'm looking for is some sort of log/txt/csv that references the attachment name AND which line the attachment was…
Premium Subscription not showing up!
Hi to everyone. I am writing on behalf of another account in the company i work for. In January, three smartsheet premium licences were purchased. A month later, when the Smartsheet tool came in use we figured out that in the particular account there was no premium licence. Since then, we have contacted support throught…
Allocation % Formula Based on Duration
Is there a formula that can be used to calculate Allocation % based on planned start and finish date (duration) entries? My allocation % is right next to the planned start and finish date columns, and I am hoping it can use the duration to determine allocation %. I would like to avoid having to enter allocation % directly…
Has anyone embedded a Wistia video in a dashboard?
The embed code from Wistia isn't working for me. Has anyone had luck?
Dashboard metric help
Hello! I need some help with the dashboard metric, I can't get it to be side by side like I had previously done. It's been a while since I've made any updates and I would greatly appreciate some tips! This is what the original looks like: I'd like to add more names and this is where I'm at with the metric: How can I get it…
Windy.com Embeddable Link
Hello! I would like to see windy.com whitelisted as embeddable link Thanks