Smartsheet sending multiple previously updated records for each "on record updated"
I'm using a 3rd party connector to push data to another system when a Smartsheet record is updated. At the start of the day, if I update 1 record, it triggers one "on record updated" event. For every additional change I make to another record, it will be added to the sent events - so if I update a 2nd record and save, it…
Loop back to the start of a Bridge Workflow
I am trying to build a help chatbot that our team members can use to quickly find help docs on various topics/processes. For example the chat would look something like this - If you answer yes I want the chatbot to loop back to the very start and clear any history from the previous questions/answers, and if you answer no…
Smartsheet data used
Hi, we are getting to use more and more data smartsheet and i would like to know how much data I am using to control the data storage rate. Do you know how we can get this information. Best regards
Disable notification on add Alternate email and Set primary email via API
Hello, We are adding Alternate emails and then setting Alternate email to Primary via API, on both changes users get non-actionable notification i.e. "Your Primary Smartsheet email address has been changed etc." Is there any way to disable these notification via API or temporarily disable all notifications for mass change?…
Moving many rows to another sheet?
My task is to move 3500+ rows to an archive sheet every two weeks. I'm using the python SDK Sheets.move_rows() command but am running into a timeout error (4002) after just 250 rows (granted there are a lot of columns). Can anyone recommend a better method than telling python to loop through the list, moving 250 at a time?…
smartsheet API key is not able to fetch data from the smartsheet having MFA.
I am not able to fetch data from the smartsheet using API key which is having MFA. I am getting an error - "This action is restricted by an MFA Policy. Please reach out to the workspace admin for any questions.". How I can resolve this issue?
Python SDK update_column syntax
Using the python SDK I am attempting to update the options list in a "Pick List" column type but can't seem to get the syntax correct. I keep getting the error 1008 Unable to parse request. My code is: ss.Sheets.update_column(4065220*********, 5852349******, {"type": "PICKLIST", "options": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]} error…
=Count IF 2 Number Range
I want to set up a countif that counts all of the numbers between 10 and 1000. Every time i set up a formula it only comes back with 1 instead of counting all of the times the cell has a number between 10 and 1000. =COUNTIFS({Formal Grid Quote}, >10, {Formal Grid Quote}, <1000)
Attachments vs Discussion with Attachments
Am using below Smartsheet API to get all the attachments. It brings the attachments from attachments and attachment available under Discussion. No problem in that. smartsheetclient.Attachments.get_attachment(sheet_id, attachment_id) While deleting the attachments using the below API. Here the problem is attachments section…
API call for RowID
Hello, I am working on an automation where I need to get a row ID number. I'm starting with the unique value in a Row ID column called "Row", so I think I need to search the target sheet for that value and return the row ID number. I would like some help structuring the API call. The format of the unique number in the…