Monday.com integration with smartsheet
It would be nice if someone could guide me on how Monday.com can be integrated with a smart sheet, as we manually enter data in both platforms.
Improve the API documentation for 'assumeUser'
I just answered a question in this forum about how to use 'assumeUser' in the API https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/comment/409154/#Comment_409154 I provided a code example for Javascript, and I wanted to refer to the API documentation but found it lacking with the only reference being…
Hello Guys!
I´m using Data Shuttle to offload data from a Sheet to a csv file. I´m having a constant error which is new : "Workflow Execute: Your workflow maps columns that no longer exist. Please refresh your mapping to remove the deleted columns." I tried to go and edit the workflow to refresh the mapping but it didnt work. i didnt…
Using Smartsheet API to Access User Data Outside of My Own Account
Hello, I would like to build an OAuth integration with Smartsheet that would allow me to access data from users whose Smartsheet accounts are different from my own Smartsheet account. Is this possible with the Smartsheet API? Thanks, Farhana
Upload file/attachment
Hi. I am working with some automation tools that read an outlook email, parse the email, and upload the information to Smartsheet via API. I have completed all those steps and it has been successful. However, I am struggling to upload the attachment, which is in PDF format. I saw the documentation on this, but I keep…
Adding an Attachment via API (Python)
Hello all, Apologies in advance for what will be a basic question for some, however I am going insane trying to figure this out. Struggling to add an attachment via the API, have been on the Github and the Getting Started resources provided by Smartsheet and still no joy. It is completely down to a lack of experience with…
Problem Uploading Data using API
I am able to pull the data from reports and sheets with little trouble, however I am currently trying to pull the data from a report and then upload it to a sheet. I pull the report and save it as a dataframe with no trouble, however when uploading to the sheet, I keep getting errors. I simplified things by just trying to…
"Search Everything" API request always response with 'totalCount' limited to 100
Hello, Is there a limit to the total number of search results to 100? For the example, the GET request to URL: https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/search/sheets/{sheetId}?query=stuff always response with "totalCount": 100 even though I know there are more than that. Is there a way to increase the search results beyond 100?…
Bridge - Extracting a filtered array
Hello, I have a multi-tier SCC solution and I want to update a dropdown column in projects intake sheet with only the names of programs that have already been provisioned. Here is my report: Looks, great in Bridge when I use the Smartsheet: Get Report element, but the whole thing falls apart in the Extract Field From Array…
Dashboard widget grouping
I have a large smartsheet with product codes as primary key and associated info with each code. Since you cannot show data wider than the width of the dashboard, I have to create multiple reports to show data for one code. Firstly, is there a way to link the reports so they show different info for the same code and second,…