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Discussion List
planned versus actual
Is there a way to track what hours are actually spent on a task in relation to the hours that were planned?
Update a cell in a row with current date when change is made to that row
I would like to know if I can have a cell in a row that updates with the current date when anything in that row is changed - kind of a "last time updated" cell. It will allow me to track stale rows. Thank you.
Travel approval workflow
I am looking to make a workflow for travel approval . As the request form should be accessible for all employees I would like to use a webform. Approval shall be done by the Project Manager if travel is project related or the respective Line Manager if it is for non project travel (training, conferences,...). The Project…
Summarizing Time sheet data
If I use a webform to collect time sheet data by employee by customer by task how can I then summarsie that data X date range X Employee x Customer x Task and visa versa.
Linking discussions and attachments
I do not see a way to link discussions and attachments to another sheet. It would be great if not only the task and other columns are linked but have the discussion(s) linked also. Does anyone know if we can or another way to accomplish this?
display email of contact?
Hello, is there a formula that will display the email address of the assigned to in another cell?
On the Home Screen why do some users not see the Resource Views tab?
In working with my team I see that some of their sheets are overallocated. When we go to modifiy it when they are signed into SS there is not Resource View tab. Any direction on why and how to fix the little red markers would be greatly appreciated :)
Excel Export - Blank Cells No Longer Blank
The recent release has caused an issue with export to Excel. Any empty cell in the Smartsheet isn't actually empty when exported to Excel - I've got a tracking spreadsheet which uses as part of a calculation a count of non-blank cells in a column and this has stopped working. The last Smartsheet export I took on 7th July…
Universal Unshare/address book of sheets shared to User
Is there an address book feature that shows which sheets are shared to individuals with a universal “unshare" option?
Contacts List
We have five licensed users from three very different departments on our account. Is there a way for each of us to have our own contacts list? Currently, it pulls any/all email addresses and it would be helpful if we could each create our own. Also, is there a way to combine the "My Smartsheet Contacts" list with the ones…