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Discussion List
unsharing sheets
I have multiple sheets that are shared with an employee who has resigned. Is there a way to ushare with one process, or do I need to do this with each shared sheet?
Cannot login to mobile app - as Office 365 login users
Hi We use SmartSheet via a login through our Office 365 account login We therefore do NOT have a 'normal' SmartSHeet login, and therfore have no way we can see to login and use the mobile app Any suggestions?
Losing pending changes in Safari ?
A bit stumped on how to prevent loss of pending changes when closing Safari (usually by accident): -- Multiple windows open in Safari, including a smartsheet -- Make some changes to the smartsheet, not yet saved -- Multi-tasking, work in some other windows, accidentally hit Safari red button (which closes all windows,…
Editing Radio Buttons
Does anyone know of a way to edit a radio button list after the inital list is created and added to a web form? We have a product list that we'd like to edit periodically without having to create an entire list each time. Thanks
Feature Request: Hyperlink to a sheet row in a different sheet
It would be great if there was a way to insert a hyperlink into a cell of a sheet that when clicked would take the user to the row of another sheet. This would be similar to the way one can can click on the Sheet Name for a given row to jump immediately to that row in the given sheet, opening a parent rows to reveal the…
Tabs on smartsheet
I probably know the answer to this, but is there a way to create tabs on one Smartsheet document? I am uploaded an Excel workbook with about 30-40 tabs on it. I am afraid that I will have to create 30-40 individual smartsheet documents. Thank you.
Automatically populate a "STATUS" column with 1 of 5 values
I am looking to automatically populate a "STATUS" column with 1 of 5 values based on critera/conditions are outlined below. The key drivers here are the - [% Complete] - [Start] Date - [F/C Finish] Date - this is a column I have set up that uses a formula to predict a Forecast Finish ([F/C Finish] = (Today() + (R x D))…
formula help with symbols added
I have used a google form for time worked and synced it with smartsheet. I then have a column on my sheet to work out how many hours have been worked on a particular day using the information supplied on the entry from the google form. For instance if Joe worked 09:00 to 17:00 and entered this on his google form submission…
Search functionality on attachment contents?
We are wanting to move our documents from SharePoint to Smartsheet. However, one small benefit of SharePoint is that a search done will return results of those keywords if they are in the body of the document, not just the title (excluding PDF's). Is this a function that will be made available in the near future for…
Multiple check boxes in a web form
I would like to track fields of interest in a volunteer signup form through smartsheet but I don't see a way of doing this. Thanks