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Discussion List
File Upload
We are considering using smartsheets, but noticed on the Product Tour page -> File Sharing, it indicates that the user can upload files to Google Drive, Bix, Dropbox, and Evernote. Our organization prohibits the use of all of these with the exception on the Corporate Google Drive. Is there anyway to limit the Upload of…
Permissions have changed for an administrator
Hi, There is an administrator for one of the sheets we have who can no longer delete or modify columns (its now greyed out) The only change that has recently been implemented was that another individual was also given administrator rights to the sheet so they now both show as admins when I look at the permissions for the…
How do I add cost to my current form? and find standard cost reports. Thanks!
Gant Chart: Settings: How to dislplay DD.MM.YYYY?
How can I change the dates in the gant chart view Month Day Year to Day Month Year? Thank you FJ
Testing a text value
How can a test be run on a text value to see if it matches?
Moving a sheet from one account to another
Hello the company i work for has 3 licences of smartsheet. the 3 accounts are held by different depaetments within the business. the 3 departments are listed below a. marketing b. IT c. HR in the past there has not been any overlap. however one of the sheets that is used by marketing would be useful for the HR department.…
Cross-project Date Dependencies
Hi, The Help page on Cell Linking says ( in the first paragraph ) that it's possible to do 'cross-project date dependencies.' Sounds like just what I need! But I can't figure out how. Does anyone know? I have several project with gantt sheets and I'd like to see how project dates are working together, or not. Thanks, ~…
Copying groups of rows between sheets without losing the inter row dependencies
I have groups of tasks that ocurr in different projects and would like to copy rows that define those groups and insert them into other projects. When I copy them from one sheet to another, I lose the sequential dependencies between the copied rows. It takes time and and introduces errors to have to re type the…
filter shows removed items
I have a sheet which contained among other things a column which had abbreviated shortnames for countries... like IN for India, AU for Australia... At certain rows, it has also been updated as IND & AUS.. i was in the process of changing the abbreviated names from IN / IND to India & AUS / AU to Australia.. From the column…
Convert Project Sheet with Start/End Dates to Weekly Summary Showing Items Starting/Ending/In Progre
Hi - is there a way to convert a project sheet with items that have Start/End dates listed, into a week by week summary report that shows the status of each of those items in a particular week? In any week, I'd like to see which items are Starting (based on Start Date), Ending (based on End Date), and In Progress (assuming…