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Discussion List
FEATURE REQUEST: Add attachment descriptions to email links
Would be helpful to include the text descriptions of attachments in the emails when the attachments are linked in the body.
OneDrive attachments don't take - wheel spins and then nothing
Recently my OneDrive attachments have not worked. The wheel spins after I select to attach the file but the attachment screen is blank afterwards. They worked in the past. I've tried loging in and out of my OneDrive to no avail. Any ideas?
Webform Uploads
How do i create a webform with multiple file upload requests?
If Statement & Dropdown List
I have a dropdown list with 5 values and inserted an IF statement into the cells for that column to auto-fill 1 of the 5 values. I noticed when doing this you can no longer access the drop down list. Is there a way to auto-fill so the cell isn't blank to start but still allow users to access the 5 values in the list?
Date Formulas
I need to keep track of the day an item is approved. Is there a formula that I can use to generate a date that a check box is checked off?? Tiare
Notifications - Changes to cell also notifies when cell is created
Currently I have a sheet that set set to receive data from a smartsheet form. That form puts the data at the top of my sheet. I have a checkbox that is checked by default in the form [column name: New Employee]. I also have an alert that says if column "New Employee" changes notify me right away. Now at this point I have…
Automated Notifications for Swim Lane Changes in Card View
Now that Card View has been unveiled (and I love what I see so far), is there any way to automate notifications based on status changes? For example, let's say that we are using card view for a Kanban board, with swim lanes for "Work Queue," "In Development," "In Test," and "In Production." There are different people who…
Conditional Formatting/Notifications
I have encountered a question from my team, and was wondering if there is a solution. They were curious if you can set up notifications, or something else (like conditional formatting), to where you would be notified that if a check box was checked in a certain cell, and then a file was uploaded to the line with that cell,…
Sending notifications to a specific user for any row changes
Hi, I want to send email/mobile notifications to only the "Assigned To" person when anything (including attachments/discussions) changes for that particular row. Please think of this scenario where a particular task is assigned to a specific resource. Now any changes to that task need to be notified to only that resource…
Downloading Submitted Forms as PDFs
Can I download a form as a PDF that has been submitted or do I just have to look at the row in smartsheet? It is a very long form, so looking at the responses in the row is not the most user-friendly method.