Align Gantt chart with Timeline above?
Hi All: I'm a new user...Ihope this question is not too silly? The horizontal timeline above my Gantt chart is several days off. How do I get it to properly align with the Gantt bars below? My start & finish date columns are correct and the calender view shows the correct dates. Thanks in advance.
Counting children in specific column (resolved)
I have a sheet that I'm using to keep track of about 100 projects, eventually each will have several child rows. I'm not using sheet dependencies because I want my parent row to represent how many days are left on the project. To do this I have 6 rows: "Start", "End", "Duration", "Real Start", "Real End" , "Real Duration".…
Can you add extra columns with the Kanban view?
Can you add extra columns with the Kanban view? I would like to add this week, and today columns
Formula to check percentage total
Hi I have a sheet which is pulling through some data from other sheets via cell links. The cells are being pulled from a Project Plan (with rolled up section totals). Based on this data, I want to set some conditional formatting on my sheet. I have: %COMP STARTDD ENDDD 55% 10/08/16 22/08/16 I'm using a formula (hidden…
Impossible to save rearranged sheet
Yes, we have heavy loaded sheets of our product management in Smartsheet. But we spend so much work in fine tuning the sheets so it is a little bit frustrating, that Smartsheet is not able to save rearranged sheets, after we change the production planing and drag&drop records in a different order. I was hoping that the…
Android App
Is there Task indent fucntionality in the Android App - if do please advise? Seems to be restricted functionality relative to the Ipad App - hovering over app gives less options on Android v Ipad ALSO certain colums appear locked such as End date and Predecessors why? Really this restricts me from going mobile properly Is…
New Formula Engine: Noticing No Performance Improvement
Hello, Has anyone noticed any performance improvments with the new formula engine? We are not noticing any changes in performance since the update. Things that tend to lag or hesitate on our large, complex sheets are: * -Scrolling (horizontal and vertical) * -Unhiding many columns * -Conditional formatting rendering *…
Uploading Contacts with a CSV file
I`m having issues uploading contacts. The only colum that will import is emails, however, I have first name, last name, email, phone in 4 colums. Has anyone else had this issue or is there something else i can try.
Track changes
Hi there, I am wondering if it is possible that when changes are made, for example after changing dates of tasks and phases, that when Smartsheet saves this, it would save leave the old file there for an audit trail. For example, I change the dates of five tasks, when I click save - I'd like this to be v2, and then each…
Subtotal Formula
Hi, I want to take the subtotal of the rows, after applying filter. in excel I was using =subtotal(9, C2:C100), where C2 to C100 are the data field. I tried to apply the same forumula but not working on smartsheet. Is there a way to calculate subtoal of the filtered rows? Please guide.