Resource Management & Resource Views doesn't seem to work!
I introduced Smartsheet to our company about a year ago and since ten it has become a business critical tool for all our projects and client collaborations. We implemented the resource management feature about 3 months ago and consistently seem to encounter problems. Has anyone else found the following issues and if you…
Automate High formula
Hi, I am trying to automate a trigger that looks at a WBS and if it has a High Status in the form of a ! mark, that it in turn auto triggers the some status in the top WBS name line. See attached screenshot. Thanks Cathy
Using multiple functions in a formula
Hi, I am using a formula to determine "Planned % Complete" based on start date/end date and todays date. The formula I am using is; =(MIN(TODAY(), Finish1) - Start1 + 1) / (Finish1 - Start1 + 1) I want to nest the following formula so that if the start date is AFTER todays date, the "Planned % Complete" will be zero;…
Compare Date in [Start Date] to a value in a text/number column
I need to compare the date value that is in the Start Date or End Date to a date value that is in a text/number column. When I compare the two, I get "#Invalid Operation." If I change both columns to Date columns, it works, however that does not work well with my spreadsheet. Are there any tricks to doing this? Thanks
Edit content in Sights.
I just started using sights. I see that it is not possible to edit individual cell directly from sights, or am I mistaken? Is there a way to do this? It would be very helpfull if I could. I would also love to be able to edit the comments field directly from sights as well. Is this possible?
##Help ME please "i can t continue to work" SumIF##
I post a problem 2 days ago some response but still doesn t work, new to smartsheet but my work is blocke now problem Hello @Craig and other Helpers i experiment the same issue than other sorry for my english but i m french i copy your formula below and try to adapt with "laserjet" type i want to make a sum if a name…
IF Statement creating text result, not numeric value
Looking for guidance....I have an If statement which is creating a text value and not a numeric value, thus it won't allow me to choose those results and sum them up. Any suggestions? This is the If statement example I have which provides the end result number, but the value appears to be listed as text. Then when I run a…
Cash Flow Projection in Projects Sheets
Hi, I am using =IF(AND( ... )) to project in which month a disbursement will be made in a project planning sheet. Does anyone use an easier faster way of scheduling disbursements and depreciation? Regards
Zap error 403 and 400 withe row update trigger - send row
Hi I getting trouble with my Zap. And so fare i cant figure out the problem. Is there a way you can help me to get this working again ? The Smartsheet have been the same all the time, but the problem suddenly startet urly last week. I reach put to yesterday av got this tip: Thanks for reaching out! Looks like your Filter…
RYGB balls based on due date & status
I am trying to have a RYGB call status say this: If Due Date is today or before today & status is NOT = "complete", show ball as RED If Due Date is tomorrow or 4 days from tomorrow & status = "Not Started", show ball as Red If Due Date is today or greater than today & status = "In Progress", show ball as Yellow If Status =…