Project Sheet: Formatting Parent Row based on Children
Does anyone know a way through formula and formatting rules to highlight a parent row cell (finish) if any of its child rows have a blank value in finish? We want to avoid the parent finish date looking deceiving in reports when only some of the children finish dates are known.
Labels for RYG Balls
Hello I am sure it is an easy answer, but, I cant seem to find information. Is there a way of having a label associated with one of the RYG balls, ie when the green ball is selected, the next column says 'Active', The red ball would be 'On Hold' etc.
Compressed (zipped) Folder is invalid
Hi, Since last week if I want to open the zip folder from the download backup link it gives me the following error. Please assist. Y
importing .mpp file
Hi I am not able to import the MPP file correctly in to smartsheet, please help. Any tips to import it correctly. The lines are off. Thanks
Cell Linking Ability to Filter or Sort Source Sheet / Source Sheet does not stay filtered
All: I have looked but cannot find other questions regarding this topic. Apologize for any redundancy; and, thank you for any help on these two topics. Sandy Ability to Filter or Sort Source Sheet: From my (master) destination sheet, I click cell link icon. Then, I select my source sheet. Is there a way to filter or sort…
Need help with Parent Status
I would like my parent status to be RED when ALL children balls are red, yellow when at least one is yellow, otherwise green. I found this formula below in a thread, but I can't seem to get Parent to RED when ALL are red. Can someone tell me what is missing? Thanks! =IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Red") > 0, "Yellow",…
Send Row Default Fields
Greetings, Will there ever be an option to save the "Send" (by row) "Include" options to be reused. I found a work-around to create a report with only the pertinent fields, but this is unwieldy. Example: When I have a support ticket to answer, I do not want all of the fields to display in the email and going through and…
Formula for Date column based on status change
I'm looking to create a formula to automatically put a date in a column based upon certain statuses in a dropdown menu. For example, I would like that day's date to populate when the status is 1, 2, or 3 but not 4 or 5 (we have about 10 different statuses in our actual list). Is this something that is possible?
Auto filling with formula....
I have a situation where I've added a row so I can format the row I want. For example... A1 is my dollar row which is where I put all my figures for the jobs I'm pricing. B1 is the row I plan on hiding and its where I enter the formula =IF(a1="","Empty",a1) then I use conditional formatting when "Enter" as per the…
Hi, Attached is a Webform that I need to send to 3 different people, as each person needs to evaluate the person listed on the form. There are 7 people who need to be evaluated, so I would need to send the same form (with 7 different people's names) to 3 people. I don't want to create 7 separate forms as the evaluators…