Calculating a date using a 'date' column and a 'number of days' column
I need a formula that takes a 'date' column and minus' the number in a 'number of days' column to show that calculated date in another date column.
Help with a formula based on conditions
Hello, I need assistance with creating a formula for the following: In the Annual $ cell, I would like the salary to automatically appear when two conditions have been met: the user provided the region (either US, CEMEA, LATAM, ASIA) AND the user has provided the Job Level. The salary should come from a different sheet (I…
How to use COUNTIFS by Week?
Hi- I am trying to write a formula for how many locations have officially opened per week of this year. This is what I currently have and all it gives me is 0. =COUNTIFS({Official Opening Actual}, IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(@cell), 0) = WEEKNUMBER(TODAY())) For the Official Opening Actual, I am referencing another sheet. I am not…
Formula's Broken
Team, Am new to Smartsheets and am trying to create metrics sheets that I can then create reports and dashboards from. The formula I am using, for example is: =COUNTIFS(Renewal Victories V2!Agent, "Name 1", Renewal Victories V2![Platform - BSG], "<>") I can't figure out why none of my formulas will work. I am trying to…
#Invalid Data Type Formula Issue - Formulating % to plan
Hello, I am trying to count performance to plan. I need to know if the required for ER is checked and the estimated complete date is DDMMYYY or earlier what the % should be. =COUNTIFS([Required for ER Start]3:[Required for ER Start]929, 1, AND([Baseline Estimated End]3:[Baseline Estimated End]929, AND(ISDATE(@cell), @cell…
Converting Excel Formula to Smartsheet
Hi, I'm struggling to convert a formula that I have been able to use in Excel to my Smartsheet. I want to use the formula to change the status column based on an End Date. The Excel formula is: IF($F2="p","No Date",IF($G2<$C$1,"archive",IF($G2<$C$3,"expired",IF($G2-$C$3<=$C$2,"Notifying","Current")))) F2 = a cell in the…
Reporting/dashboard on form entries
Our Referrals departments has recently started utilizing a smartsheet form to track key information on each referral that comes into our hospice. Each team member completes & submits the form when they get a referral. I have the sheet set to automatically date/time stamp each row as it comes in. The department heads are…
How to formulate below?
Hi team, to get someone help me with my issue as i can't seem to get the formula working if i wanted to count the current status with date ranges? I have read and tried all exmaples but my formula seems to be wrong all the time. As you could see i wanted to count these current status based on on the issuing date. i have…
Hi all, me again.. I am encountering a new formula issue
I am creating a risks and issues log and am attempting to replicate of another risk and issues log from excel we have. My issue is that it will not upload correctly as the excel files has two sheets and Smartsheet doesn't have the capability for me to have two tabs in one sheet. I have attempted to begin with a simple…
lookup with multi select dropdown contact list
Hi All We are very new to smart sheet tool and we are currently in process of setting up our projects and creating a list in it. the problem we are facing is for example we have a project that is running in several countries as we speak and we want to look up the responsible persons email addresses for all those countries…