Trying to get an IF statement to work - needing to add a IF Blank
I'm working on an IF statement that I will use to automate an email out once the 2 cells for approval have been selected. The following formula works but the problem is it automatically is filling it with decline and I need it to be blank until the approvers have selected approve or decline. Right now what it is doing is…
RYG Formula Based On the Specific Date in a Field
Hello - I'm new at Smartsheet and have been looking for a RYG formula that's only based on the date in the "Date Due" column. I've searched and have asked several folks on my team. They all point to the "Today" formula, but they're not sure what that would be and it seems more complicated than basing a formula on a…
Formula adaptions: to-dos "next week" when turn of the year happens
Hello to all, I have created a board where tasks are sorted to be due like "overdue", "today", this week", "next week", "in two weeks". The values are created through a formula, which in generally works really fine. But for "this week", "next week" and "in two weeks" I am facing a problem when it comes to the turn of the…
Baselines for New Tasks
I use the baseline feature with the GUI extensively in my projects. During project execution, I frequently am adding/removing tasks to reflect the maturing scope of work. This means that unless I rebaseline the entire project (and lose historical projections in the process), these newly added rows go without baseline data.…
Index, Match, Contains with a Keyword
I am trying to search a master employee spreadsheet and return the email of the director of the employee. Some directors have other words in their title such as Director of XX Department. The problem is the employee spreadsheet doesn't have a column for the employees' director, so I need to search the positions of the…
Help Please....Formula to Copy Cell to Another Cell Based on %Complete and Assigned Resource
I would like an automated way to copy the task descriptions that are assigned to specific resources (person), that are less than 100% completed into a different column. For example, I created a new column called Kerry's Tasks Now, if my Assigned Resource Column contains Kerry, AND My %Complete Column is less than 100% COPY…
Summary Task formula for COUNTIF Before TODAY and Status IS NOT "Not Started"
Hello, I'm looking for a summary task formula to count a row if the date is before today and Status value is NOT "Location Not Started". I've tried a few formulas and can't get to a working one. This is the last one I tried and getting and "Incorrect Argument" error message: =COUNTIFS([Confirmed Install Date]:[Confirmed…
Need help on a formula that adds the totals for individual names?
Hi, I wanted to create a table (similar to the example below) that adds total scores for individual names in new columns. Just wondering if it is possible? If so, what formula can I use? much appreciate if someone could please help.
Symbol and IF Statement
Hello, I receive an error called "Incorrect Argument Set," but not sure what is wrong here. I have a Risk column that is a drop-down selection of (High, Medium, Low) and want to show a corresponding colored circle symbol where this formula resides. =IF(Risk@row, "High", "Red", IF(Risk@row, "Medium", "Yellow", IF(Risk@row,…
Count rows using 2 same criteria points in 1 range OR another
Hello! Struggling with formula/function syntax... I'm trying to get a count of projects that fall within a calendar year (i.e. had an active contract at any point during the year) using the start & end date of their contracts. Essentially, if the contract start date OR the contract end date is on or after 1/1 and on or…