Smartsheet Formula (AND)
I am looking to have a status column show either -Overdue -Complete -In Future -Not Required I have everything working except the Not Required. =IF(AND([Skills Assessment | Due Date (Y2)]@row < TODAY(), [Skills Assessment | Date Completed (Y2)]@row = ""), "Overdue", IF(AND([Skills Assessment | Due Date (Y2)]@row > TODAY(),…
Sumif/s, VLookup or something else?
I'm in need of some formula help. I need a formula for the Males2 and Females2 columns on sheet 1, it should total up all the males/females from Sheet 2 and return that value to sheet 1. For example the result on sheet 1 for Number 2 should be 7 males and 5 females. The data is on two different sheets which shouldn't…
Reporting the name of the form on the sheet
Hi everyone, I have a sheet with 4 different forms (one for each service we are offering), named differently. Is there a way to add a column on the sheet that would say which form the answers are coming from? thanks a lot for your help
Cross reference sheet formula with date limits
I'm trying to count the number of complaints for Family Medicine within the last 30 days on a metric sheet referencing the source sheet Complaint Tracker. Here is the formula I think should work: =COUNTIFS({PR - Complaint/Grievance Data Collection Range 2}, "Complaint", {PR - Complaint/Grievance Data Collection Range 1},…
Data reference from one sheet to another Formula not working
Hello community, I was trying to reference some data from one sheet to another via formula but it doesn't seem to work error in cell: " #unparseable" , here a breakdown of my goal and the formula I am trying to use: have 2 separate sheets, in the main one named request for information where people will submit their request…
Inventory and Barcodes
Hey there! I have a question regarding inventory management and barcode scanning. Currently I have a sheet called "inventory tracker". We have various different lab supplies that need are deployed depending on the need. Currently, we are manually counting how many supplies we take out and whatever is not used, we count and…
Monitoring Ongoing Duplicate Entries
Hi I need some advice in being able to track people who have registered for more than one program. We run multiple programs and need to track if a person registers for more than one for compliance reasons. We have a system where people register and then I use Data Shuttle to upload them into Smartsheet. Currently on the…
Using the Work Day Formula to Calculate Due Date
Hi All, I am trying to generate a formula that will calculate a due date (MM/DD/YYYY) based on working days of the month. My problem is that our team uses WD1, WD2, WD3, etc, to denote a due date, not dates in a date format. For example, WD1 in November would be 11/1/2024 and WD2 would be 11/4/2024. Does anyone have ideas…
Option to convert to column formula greyed out
Hello, I am new to Smartsheet and having some trouble applying a difference between dates formula to an entire column. The formula concerns 4 columns - Complaint Status (dropdown format column), Date Complaint Received (date format column), Date Complaint Closed (date format column) and Days Open (duration column). If…
Why is my percent complete not updating?
I have a project plan which pulls in data from a other referenced sheet. We track our development in a tracker, and have a dashboard and reports that help us understand where we are with progress for development. The percent complete pulls in automatically from a reference sheet into SubTasks in the project plan. However,…