What is a formula that can extract just the time in HH:MM (24hr time) from a "modified date" column.
I need just the time from a modified date column I titled "Ticket closed (24h Format)" and I'm having trouble extracting it into the column titled "Ticket closed time." Here's a screenshot. I've tried using the following formulas as well: Formulas: =LEFT([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row - DATEONLY([Ticket closed (24h…
IF formula from Excel to Smartsheet
Hi, I currently have a spreadsheet in Excel I am moving to Smartsheet with an IF formula. Can someone help translate what this formula should be in Smartsheet? In Excel, the Current Widget Liabilities formula is: =IF((2023 Paid Widget Balance + 2024 Paid Widgets - Widgets Created in 2024) <0,0,(2023 Paid Widget Balance +…
INDEX(MATCH( Producing Incorrect Result in Cross-Sheet Reference
I have looked at a few of these similar questions and answers, but nothing quite matches what is going on with my sheets. As managers of different branches send in information about their fleet vehicles, through a form, the data populates in a sheet. I would like to link the cells in the master Fleet Management sheet to…
find 3 times the same info to send an email
I try to find a way that my sheet could alert someone when the name in [Nom de l’employé]@row appears at least 3 times for the same subject in [SUJET B.P.I.]@row, [SUJET E.P.I.]@row or [SUJET PONCTUALITÉ]@row. As an example, if Angela has three times “Gomme” identified for her in [SUJET B.P.I.]@row, send me an email.
Collect values from another sheet
I have a worksheet with 5 columns that are multi-select dropdowns. The dropdown for each of the 5 columns is exactly the same; 400+ Store #'s. I would like to collect in another sheet ALL of the selections from one column and compare those to the actual list of Store #'s. The object is to identify if a store # has been…
At Risk Function using date midpoint?
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me here - because I'm completely stuck. I'm working on building an equation that flags something as "at risk" if the following conditions are met Project Status is "In Progress" The halfway point between the Project Start Date and the Project End Date has passed. Percent Complete is…
Weird Value Label Changes
I was viewing one of my smartsheet dashboards this morning and realzied the value label looks differnt than it used to on my stacked bar graphs. Is this a permanent change or just a temporary glitch. The value labels now overlap each other and look sloppy and hard to read.
Report on Last Comment date?
I'm seeing that the System Modified field is NOT updated after entering a new comment on a row. Is there a way to report on the Last Comment Date? I am trying to identify a way to create a report on my sheet that shows Last Update dates, and Comments are being utilized to provide a status update, or entry of the last…
A way to automatically number a list?
I have a sheet with about 2000 entries, we had a problem where they were shuffled around and since the smartsheet rows are numbered the same no matter what is in them, I was wondering if there was a column formula or something to automatically number each row sequentially and will automatically give the next number to the…
Count formula referencing another sheet with 2 parameters
Hello All! Need a little help- I have a formula where I need to reference another sheet and then count based on two criteria. Right now I am getting and error would love another perspective. The formula is going for if the sheet has Monthx and MonthX count. Below is what I currently have for a formula.