Seeking some assistance/guidance on Rollup / Headers (formula)
I've reviewed some of the Rollup documents, and it appears some of what I'm thinking is do-able, but perhaps not fully, depending on how the formatting works... Appreciate any insights! I have a project where I have several drop down status’s for tasks such as (STATUSA, STATUSB, STATUSC). Since I have so many subtasks,…
number entered to reflect a job name/text
hey! I was hoping to create a formula that gives me, in a column, a text that generates, from a number entered (1-46) based off of another sheet. i need to enter jobs done by each person via a number ID basically Here is what I'm trying to do.. Value equal to 1, when entered, would show "Head" and so on. there are 46 jobs.…
How do I create a formula to show how many weeks/days out a task needs to be completed?
For example, if I have an event, or a project live date, and I want a task list that says Task 1 is due 8 weeks prior Task 2 is due 3 weeks prior etc...I am new to this and cannot figure out the formula!
Is Smartsheet experiencing issues with dependencies functionality?
I am currently experiencing issues with dependency functionality. This seems to have started 11/3/22. The functions FS and FF are not working. When FS and FF are leveraged, they extend the dates duration to 2 days vs the 1day duration preset. Are other users experiencing similar issues? Is there an expected resolution on…
Countif not containing specific text
I am trying to create a formula to count "Red" based on one column but not include certain ones which contain the text "Spring" in another column but I can't get it to work. Originally I tried this formula: =COUNTIFS([Aging]:[Aging], "Red", Project:Project, <> "Spring") However, I realized that won't work because the…
Trigger workflow based on time of day a request is received
Hello Community! I have a question I wanted to bring to the table... I've been working on some processes and workflows for triaging work on my team. Requests come in through an intake form and we have automations to assign to specific resources based on the type of project/request that it is. Now, we are trying to make…
PM's - How can I take a date from one cell (which gets deleted) and make it the value of another cel
We're creating our Preventative Maintenance system in Smartsheet and need the "completed date" value to become the "last service date" value. Key factors: 1) the "completed date" needs to be removed in order for the automations and reports to run properly. 2) the "next service date" is "last service date" + "PM frequency"…
Creating Calculated Column in Report (Formula Column)
Dear Smart Community, I looking for the calculating column in the report instead of creating new column in the Source file. I have 7 level of approval and want to know the approval period in this case I have to create 7 new column in the source file instead of this is there any option to create calculated column in the…
Using a Form to input a row into a grid
I created a Form to enter a new row of data into a grid type sheet. The form setup was straightforward and worked fine except when it input the new row into the grid, it left a blank line between the last row and the new row created by the form. I tried it again and this time it left several blank lines between the bottom…
is there an easier way to format a cell to read blank if value is 0?
i have a large report with many countifs to calculated data over time. I want to change it so that instead of displaying the 0 when the formula calculates a 0 the cell is just left blank. I've been using If statements but the formula is so long i wonder if there is an easier way. for example I might use…