Can I get help with this (repost)? =IF(ISBLANK(MBE@row, WBE@row, MWBE@row, DBE@row, ACDBE@row)," ", "Done")
How to pull a single instance of duplicates into another sheet?
I have a base data table that looks like this: I need to create a summary table that looks like this: When I use JOIN(COLLECT in the summary table, it pulls in "AL K-5" five times. I need a way to just pull in the first instance of any duplicate from the Concat column, when e.g. Year = 2022 and Discipline = "Reading" I…
Join Collect multiple columns from another sheet
I have this growing reference sheet with Site_Name and respective emails (1-3). Not all of them have all 3 emails. Please also assume that the emails are not beside each other. They could be 2-3 columns apart. I need to merge their emails on this order tracker, but not sure how to use Join Collect if there are multiple…
Formula to Determine NEXT DATE from a group of Dates
I Have a series of Go Live Date columns in a Smartsheet and I want a new column called "Next Date" that determines which of the dates is the next Go Live date. I using the following formula but it doesn't return any value: =MIN(COLLECT([Release 1 Go Live]@row, [Release 2 Go Live]@row, [Release 3 Go Live]@row, [Release 4 Go…
Trouble with a four color symbols formula
Hello everyone, If am trying to indicate project color status based on <TODAY() and TODAY(+x) for green, yellow, red and blue symbols. This is my formula-=IF(OR([Requested Go Live Date/Discontinue Service Date]@row]<=TODAY(+5) "Red", (OR([Requested Go Live Date/Discontinue Service Date]@row<=TODAY(+9)…
Calculating the Usage Between Previous Entry and Current Entry
I have a Smartsheet that I am using to capture the data and voice usage on cellphones on a weekly basis. I would like to be able to calculate the difference between the previous entry for given wireless number and the current entry for the same wireless number. I hope I explain this better below. Example: On 9/6 data usage…
CountIfs with Multiple Criteria including Dates
I am trying to count a monthly total of submissions in a given category, in this case "survey". There are three subcategories (below) and they live in the Request Type reference range. What am I missing? I keep getting a zero when I should be getting 11. The below Countifs fx works without the "({Request Type}, "Surveys -…
Looking for formula to trigger flag based on multiple conditions across two sheets
Hello, community! I need help with what I assume will be a rather complicated IF formula. I have a flag that I need to trigger based on a column (Baptist) that has a Harvey ball at a quarter, or half, or three-quarter, or full, plus cross-reference the [Program Name]@row with another sheet to find the corresponding row see…
#INVALID DATA TYPE error when IFs are combined
Hi all, I've got this formula here that basically enters name of the month in the cell based on date: =IF(MONTH([Date of Defense]@row) = 1, "a. JANUARY", IF(MONTH([Date of Defense]@row) = 2, "b. FEBRUARY", IF(MONTH([Date of Defense]@row) = 3, "c. MARCH", IF(MONTH([Date of Defense]@row) = 4, "d. APRIL", IF(MONTH([Date of…
If/Or statement for check boxes do nothing or .. do this...
I am trying to add to a current formula that is looking for empty columns BUT if either another set of 2 columns are checked, do nothing. I tried getting it right with just one "if" statement and I can't get it to work. If "Line Down.." or "Spot Check" is checked, do nothing otherwise - and then the formula works. IF([Line…