Assign contact to row based on reference sheet
Hi there, Is it possible to assign one or multiple contacts to a row based on a reference sheet? Example: Reference Sheet Topic Staff in Charge A John B George C Henry Target sheet Topic Staff in charge A -> pulled from Reference sheet A ... B B I tried multiple formulas (Vlookup, JOIN(INDEX(COLLECT())), ...) but each…
Is there a formula for this?
So I am needing to have a column decrease - (QTY) - for every "crtl+enter" line - (NOTES) - of the following cell. Is this something that is possible, or do I need to change my notes column?
IF formula to modify Month/Year of date column
Hi - I'm capturing a timestamp for when data is submitted into my form [Date Submitted]. I'm attempting to create a formula that converts that timestamp into a mm/yyyy format while subtracting 1-month from the timestamp. As an example, with a timestamp = 07/29/2022 my output should be 06/2022. If timestamp = 11/12/2022 my…
How do I count the total entries from another smartsheet?
I want to count the total entries from one column from another smarsheet minus out of scope entry from another column from that sheet? i.e: 1st Smartsheet column 1 says "Total Sites in Scope". 2nd Smartsheet column 1 says "Site IDs" and 2nd column says "Order Status" with a dropdown that says "out of scope" 1st Smartsheet…
Need help with a formula to calculate accrued PTO based on # of pay periods
Hello, I am seeking help with a formula to calculate accrued PTO based on the # of pay periods per person each year and if they are full-time. Example 1: Nikki started on 7/1/22 and accrues 3.5 hours each pay period (twice a month) so I need a formula to let me know what she has accrued to date. Example 2: Laura started on…
Summary Report Calculation - Formula
Hello! I'm trying to count the number of people who have a Status = "Screened " for a date > 01Jul2022. This is my formula that I am struggling to resolve: =COUNTIFS(Contact Date:Contact Date > DATE(2022, 7, 1), [Status]:[Status], "Screened") I get a UNPARSEABLE error message. Thanks in advance for your support.
Hi all, I am trying to do a very basic formula to create a Score of two columns but am receiving the error #INVALID OPERATION. Is this due to the source columns also being built of a formula? Kegan =IF(ISBLANK(Probability@row), "", IF(Probability@row = "Almost Certain", "5", IF(Probability@row = "Likely", "4",…
Sheet Templates - Workflow Update Requests
So we want to set up some templates that we will be able to use over and over when a new project comes on. In this template, if we create workflows for update requests, will these start from the "as of" date from when we begin using the template or will we need to go through and update the workflows each time? For example,…
SUMIFS to find total hours for this year.
Greetings, I'm attempting to get a sum of all hours requested for the current year for a specific employee number (JDE). I feel I'm close but getting hung up on the YEAR part. =SUMIFS([Hours Requested]:[Hours Requested], [Date of Submission]:[Date of Submission], YEAR([Date of Submission]@row) = YEAR(TODAY()), [JDE]:[JDE],…
Top 5 Results
I want to plot the top 5 results from a report. I ran a report to see all the quantities and the person associated with the qty. I then sorted from high to low to see who had the top 5 highest quantity. But wasn't able to figure out: How to limit the report to the top 5 How to plot the results showing only the top 5