New User looking for Simple Health Formula
Greetings Everyone, I am a fairly new Smartsheet User and am looking to create a simple formula for the Health Field. I am using the RYGB option and have three columns I'm trying to tie the Health to and am looking or the following: -Blue: no date in the [Start Date] column. -Yellow: Date entered in [Start Date] column,…
Excel to Smartsheets Formula
Hello! I am working on transforming an Excel i previously used to Smartsheets and need some help with the formulas. I was able to import and it worked.. however i am creating a whole new template in Smartsheets and though i can get the formula to work when i try to convert to column formula it tells me the formula syntax…
Can I pull data from different columns and deposit them each into a specific cell?
Hello! I'm creating a report for students who check in for class from a form. The sign-in sheet is the same for all of the classes, so it would have several different dates and classes on it for the whole school year. It has a single-select dropdown column for them to select the class, and a "Full Name" column that has a…
Find a country in a cell with multiple countries...
Hello everyone, We are trying to find a list of countries in one sheet that may be in a cell in a separate sheet. we have used the IF formula with CONTAINS in the criteria and this works if we are looking up a singular reference but not on an entire column. This would be fine if the countries remained static but they will…
Cells switching format
Hi Community, is there a way to prevent a cell from switching it's format? In my case I am entering "1469831001" as a number with an "R" at the end --> 1469831001R but the cell switches to currency RAND and I get R1 469 831 001,00 as a result, which I don't want to have. The colum type itself is set to Text/Number....…
What would be the best way to turn a YEARDAY value into a regular date?
Hello, In my company, we have a date code we put on our products. This date code consists of a Julian Date (3 digit YEARDAY value), the 2 digit year and then the machine it was produced on. We are reporting this date code into a sheet and I am wondering the best way to convert it. I have thought about using an if statement…
Returning the Last Value that Meets a Certain Criteria
Hello, I will try to explain this the best I can. I have a column that has an employee's name in it, and another column that stores a value of points that they obtained for a certain day. My issue I am having right now, is that I have their total points keep adding when their name is on the row. If their name isn't in that…
Month / Year out of a date
I'm trying to create a formula to extract Month-Year from a date column. =IF(MONTH([Date Updated]@ROW) = 1, "Jan-" + RIGHT(YEAR([Date Updated]@ROW), 2), IF(MONTH([Date Updated]@ROW) = 2, "Feb-" + RIGHT(YEAR([Date Updated]@ROW), 2), IF(MONTH([Date Updated]@ROW) = 3, "Mar-" + RIGHT(YEAR([Date Updated]@ROW), 2),…
Creating a Rule to Automically Hide Rows
Is it possible to create a Rule, Conditional Formatting, or Workflow where when you check off a Box on the sheet it then hides that row? If not, can I request this feature from SmartSheet? Thank you
Gantt Charts - are the gantt project setting user specific?
Hi Team Just finished creating a number of report and set the gantt project settings for the desired. Noticed then when another user is viewing that same report and opens the report in gantt view it is using the default layout vs. the one I set. I can't imagine this being a user preference only once set, and haven't been…