Display most recent comment of Child Rows in parent row.
Hello, I'm looking for assistance in creating a formula that could be applied to a whole column that would display the most recent comment of a child row in the parent row. This would help to see the most recent update to a project at a glance in reports. After the screenshot, I made another column to collect the data, but…
I had a formula that was working all through the trials but then right before the roll out it stopped working! In one cell there's a column that Auto counts Responses no big deal there. In a cell in a different column =MAX([Row ID]:[Row ID]) // this counts the largest value so I can record the latest response In another…
Progress % based on status with cell linking
Hi I have two sheets, one acts as a master file for top level view only, the other is a more working doc. On the working doc, I have added a progress column, calculating the percentage of progress of the project based on the progress i.e. =IF([Activity Status *]@row = "Not Started", "0%", IF([Activity Status *]@row = "On…
Populate Cell Value based on Defined List
Hi, Im trying to figure out the below scenario. SHEET 1 - ROW 1 - CELL 1 Drop Down list of Fruit SHEET 1 - ROW 1 - CELL 2 (DESCRIPTION) EMPTY SHEET 1 - ROW 1 - CELL 3 (PRICE) EMPTY SHEET 2 SOURCE SHEET Scenario Open SHEET 1, Click CELL 1, choose APPLES. CELL 2 populates with "GREEN APPLES" mapped from SHEET 2, CELL 3…
Countif checkbox not checked and frequency is not adhoc request or upon request.
I'm having trouble with a countif formula returning unparsable. I working with a metric sheet that counts tasks on another sheet where an Adhoc Request checkbox is not checked, and the task in the other sheet also has a frequency (dropdown list) that IS NOT "adhoc request" or "upon request". What am I missing here.…
Flag a case in one sheet if it is in a certain status on another sheet
Hey Y'all, I need some formula help. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: If Case 1234 is in “Review” status on Sheet A, and someone enters Case 1234 on Sheet B, I want to flag Case 1234 on Sheet B so that no one takes action on it while it is still in a review process on Sheet A. If Case 1234 is in any status other than…
Index Match with multiple sheet references Help.
I am trying to use the index/match function across multiple reference sheets. (Formula #1 works but just across on reference sheet) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row, {Team X Five9 Username}, 0)) (Formula #2 does not work across multiple reference sheets) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row,…
Due date based on the start date and task schedule
This discussion was created from comments split from: Date formula based on frequency.
If between 2 numbers, then
I'm sure there's a simple way to do this, but I can't figure it out without going through each number, 1 by 1. I have 48 numbers, so it would be lengthy. If cell = the below, return the size. It is a set cell for the number and a set cell for the formula. 1 = XS 2-6 = S 7-10 = M 11-24 = L 25-48 = XL >48 = XXL I greatly…
Countifs with or
I need some help with my formula: I like to show the number of open Risks OR Issues that are <> Closed. I do have 1 open risk in my issue log. When I use the formula without the "OR" I get the correct number for my 1 risk. When I add the "OR", I get the number "0". It should be 1. This formula returns correct 1…