Count by event identifier
Hey ho, Looking to set up a counter of survey findings for different surveys (i.e. Oct 2018, July 2019, Dec 2020 may all have a count) recorded on one sheet so a dashboard widget will display that number. Ideally the widget can have a selection function that will allow different survey dates to be selected, or the entire…
Creating Dynamic Ranges of Cells from Various Sheets
I currently have a master sheet that has all my jobs in a single sheet in order to consolidate all the data I'm saving from these projects. Each project has an estimate that is a stand alone sheet named by the Job name. This job name is stored in the master job sheet. There are some specific cells I want to bring in from…
How to auto fill a column
Hello, I have "Sheet 1" which we work from and "Sheet 2" which we mass upload into. What I want to do is when Im in Sheet 1 and I enter a production order number, I'd like it to go look in Sheet 2 shortages and put them in the comment section in Sheet 1. how can I do that?
How can I copy information to a new sheet to create a log?
I'm trying to see if there's a way to have data copied from a few specific columns to a new sheet. I'm hoping to create a log for IT issues as they occur on requests. The difficulty is setting some sort of trigger that will move the information over into a new row whenever a new issue is added. The other possibility, would…
Formula for Star Rating that Ignores Blank Cells and O Values
I would like to Average the Star Ratings provided by seven people in the Rate Column. The formula I have in the Rate Column is NOT ignoring blank cells or cells with a 0 value. The image below shows the hidden columns that are connected to the formula. =AVG([DH#]@row, [JH#]@row, [RH#]@row, [JM#]@row, [RF#]@row, [KM#]@row,…
SumIFS with YTD and Month
Hello, I am trying to summarize the total of cures by branch, by year and month below is the formula I am trying to use. SUMIFS({Cure Amount}, {Date}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = 2021, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1, {Branch}, "Triad (800)") Your help is greatly appreciate. Thank you
#Invalid Data Type for identical formula on one sheet that works on another sheet
Hello, I have two identical sheets to collect application data, each for a different project type. We'll call them Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. They both reference the same budget request sheet. I have a "Budget Submitted" column on each sheet, which I want set up as a checkbox. I want the box to be checked if a project name on a…
Check for text value in multi-value checkbox cell
Hello all, I have a smartsheet where one cell (Item type) is a multiple check-box type, with the following values: 00 Project, 01 Submittal Task, 02 Vendor Drawing, 03 Product Data, 04 Samples, 05 Production release. The smartsheet is a tracker for our submittals for our company. The engineer will enter a line item (i.e.…
Seemingly Easy Formula For Countifs on a Rollup Sheet With OR...
I'm working on a rollup sheet where I want to count two instances in the same column. I am currently counting one instance and the formula works fine. When I try to add the second instance it returns unparseable. See below: Current Working Formula: =COUNTIFS({FY21 PEP Dec 20 Cycle (v1) Range 5}, "1", {FY21 PEP Dec 20 Cycle…
Commission Formula
Evening, Hope you're all well. I’m hitting a brick wall inserting a formula into a tracker for my sales teams commission structure which is being redone. It’s a tiered system whereby the salesperson will get commission in brackets until they reach target, and then a higher percentage on anything over target; (0.1% for the…