Automated emails look
Hello, I have my sheets set up right now to automatically send out an email with an attachment when a box is checked. I have received complaints that the emails look to formal and or spam like. Especially when the sender is "Your name" via smartsheets. Do we have any way to change the look and or sender information? We…
Sheet Summary Report Grand total row ?
I am bringing in 2 separate sheets into a sheet summary report using a custom column called "Total Revenue" which is a sum of each individual sheet's revenue rows The sheet summary report is showing correctly both rows for each sheet and the corresponding totals for each sheet. e.g. Miami $138,875 Tampa $264 My question is…
Combining AND & OR in a formula
I have a sheet with the following three columns: --Was the question asked --Answer 1 y/n --Answer 2 y/n I want the formula to turn the flag red (cell already formatted for flags) if the question was asked, and either answer 1 or answer 2 were no (aka, i need all the no's from everyone who was asked the question). So far I…
Formula from One Column to autopopulate other column dropdown
Hi Need help with a formula. When "Yes" is selected manually in the Incidents Safety or Medical column (this has a manual drop down of Yes or No, I would like it to If "Yes" selected the "GS&S Incident Case" Column to auto-populate with "Yes - Enter Case Number" and If "No" selected the "GS&S Incident Case" Column to…
Formula for # of Room Nights omitting false data
Hi, I have this formula in excel that I am trying to recreate in SmartSheet: =IF(OR(H7815=$D$1,I7815=$D$1),"",DATEDIF(H7815,I7815,"D")) Criteria is Check-In Date and Check-Out Date. The $D$1 is 12/31/9999 which I want to count as 1 night. When that date appears it is in both columns so it produces an Invalid Operation.
Automation unsubscribed the creator automatically
Hi Guys. I encountered with something very strange in SS automation process I created, and I couldn't find a response to what I have been experiencing.I created a simple automation workflow that does the following: once the value in one of the cells reaches a certain value a mail will be sent to my personal mail. The short…
Nested IF formula to return a symbol based on a range
Hi, I am trying to write a formula that will look at the value in a cell and return a RYG dependant on the value being either below the value in another cell, within a mid range or above the range. I think the issue I am having is in relation to the range section, do i need to enter the range value into the formula rather…
Nested IF Formula for Automating Related Columns
I have a sheet that has rows added through an automated background process (not a form). As the rows come in, they are assigned a date in a column called "Date of Inquiry." There are two other pertinent columns in the sheet: a Harvey Ball column called "Status" and a dropdown-menu column called "Outcome." The Harvey Balls…
Need help with creating aging buckets.
Hello, I have the following formula in excel but it did not transfer to Smartsheet. Is there a way to get this formula over? =LOOKUP(F2,{-100,7,14,21,30,45,90,180},{"0-7","7-14","14-21","21-30",">30",">45",">90",">180"}) I am entering this formula in the column "Equipment Date Range" and validating the data on column "Days…
Help with cross sheet references.
Good morning, I am looking to pull the data in a cell if two other criteria are met in other cells in the same row. for example, I have a sheet called Daily reporting that is receiving form submissions. I want to pull the text in [Quality-Details] if [Column17] is equal to today AND [Value Stream Leader] is equal to Sergio…