Recover Deleted Columns
One of my licensed users deleted two columns. Is there a way to recover these ? The activity log does not help as it just states that the were deleted. The next activity shows that the formulas were unparesable with details which doesn't help with the original data. Help?
Simple count
=COUNTIF({Client Name Spring Data}, [Client Name]@row) This formula is bringing me the correct answer. However, if the answer is zero, I'd rather the cell remain blank. I tried doing another If formula outside the countif but to no avail. I KNOW there is a simple fix. Thanks in advance :)
Due Date based off a workday schedule - Need Workday Formula Help
Hello everyone. I'm trying to use a WORKDAY formula to auto-update a list of due dates. We have several financial tasks that must be completed a specific workday every month. For example, the books need to be opened -1 to the start of a new month. But this needs to be a workday. I have been trying to setup the formula so…
IF this, if this, if this, if not formula help
=IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Complete", IF([% Complete]@row <= 0.99, IF([% Complete]@row >= 0.01, "In Progress", IF(Review@row = 1, "Review"))) This formula works perfectly. Until I add this at the end, "To Do". If it doesn't fall into one of the categories, I need it to say "To Do". I've tried multiple things, but it just…
Calculating age between two dates issue
I am trying to calculate student's age in years & months based on a future date. If the birthdate occurs before the cut-off date, the formula I have works fine. If the birthdate is after the cut-off date the formula is not calculating correctly. I am not sure how to fix this:
Trying to Join Multiple Rows to one cell
I am trying to combine all of the data into one cell for a row, but also any additional rows that share the same PO #. I then plan on taking this information and moving it to another sheet in order to set up Shipping and Delivery notices. I am still pretty new to smartsheet and I have tried googling and watching videos on…
Hello, so this might be a strange one but doing this to run automation. i have the Bolo column set to check others sheets for serial numbers. i created a remove bolo column to search the Bolo Column and to find any Checkmarks. then wanting it to set a checkmark in the remove bolo column that has a checkmark in the BOLO.…
%Completion Rollup of projects doesn't make sense for parents of parents
Hello, I'm realizing for a project, the % of completion of the Parent of a Parent task, doesn't consider the size of the Childs of the Parent task. For example, in this case I have two Parent tasks, both of them are 10 days of work, one is 10 task of one day each, and the other is one task of 10 days. Once any of them is…
Index/Match Help
Since Excel created XLOOKUP, I have lost my ability to properly do index/Match, I am getting an #INVALID COLUMN VALUE error. First here is my formula: =INDEX({Deliverable Tracker Approved Archive_Delivery Liaison download complete}, MATCH(Help@row, {Deliverable Tracker Approved Archive_Help2}, 0)) This screenshot is from…
How to convert a text string to a date
I know this question has been asked before, and I've tried to implement the solutions in the other threads, but I cannot get it to work in my situation This is what my sheet looks like: I have separated the [Billing Period] string exported by my system using RIGHT and LEFT for the Start and End dates respectively. At this…