Badge Inquiry
Hi All, I received an email from Smartsheet that I've earned a badge, but I don't see it listed on my profile? Can someone assist me in claiming my badge? Many thanks! Bobby
Happy Valentine's Day, Community! 💘
Community, can I share a secret with you? Ok, here goes: I love Valentine's Day. It's because I think of this day as a great excuse to tell the people around you that they're awesome and they make your days better. With that spirit in mind, our team wanted to make sure that YOU all knew how much you brighten up our days,…
Has anyone created an Intern Management Solution in Smartsheet?
Hi All, I was curious if a solution exists that I could take a look at as starting point to build out, or whether anyone has considered this a need but then determined that there are existing solutions built for purpose that are simpler to implement. Thanks for any input?
Appreciation for @Matt___New_Era_Tech
@Matt___New_Era_Tech, Thank you so much for taking time to meet with me today. It was a pleasure to meet you and hear your helpful, insightful suggestions. This is what collaboration is all about.
I'm new to smartsheet community. I have used MPP. @AFader Can you please help me with the resources and templates (PM)?
Game Changer! Multiple Widget Select
Hi - I may be late to the dance here, but I just discovered that CTLR + Click on widgets allows us to move multiple items at one time. This is better than my Christmas stocking! 😁 Thanks!
How do I change my profile photo?
Computer Sticker
My IT team is giving me a new computer and I'm crushed. I need to get another "I Love Smartsheet" sticker to put on my laptop. Does anyone know where I can get another one of these? I picked up my last sticker at the 2022 Engage conference. Of all my stickers on my computer that was my favorite. I know this is a long shot,…
Typo in the "join the conversation" button
Hi @Arsineh , I just tried to join the conversation on STEM education but nothing happens when I press the "join the conversation button" I just checked that the the button directs to:…
Dashboard - I didnt know this!
I have been using Smartsheet for years - and I am shocked that I am 1 day-old when I found out that this feature exists. Clicking on the legends will change the charts and graphs accordingly! Oh well - learning something new everyday (and this is what I love about Smartshweet!) Do you know any other cool features on…