Cell Formating
I would like to be able to format individual cells - what is the easiest way to do that? For Example - I have months listed with the forecast for that month and I want the cell font to be red if the forecast goal was not met. However, further down the column - the forecast goal might be higher.
Summary of lacking features
After running a project with multiple sub-projects since june last year, project is preparing/renovation of a eight-floor building for 1300 workers including construction, painting, electrical, lighting, IT, AV, the top three features I have been missing are (no ranking between them): 1. Baseline functionality 2. Ability…
Duplicate a workspace?
Is it possible to duplicate a workspace without automatic transfer of permission rights? Best, Wolfgang
My 'TODAY' formula doesn't seem to be working...?! I've tried =TODAY(), =TODAY(-7) and other permutations but nothing works...?
Card View Restrictions
I have a user with Admin privileges, who is unable to see the 'View by Assigned to' dropdown from Card view. They also do not have the Card View Settings tool (gear) near the upper right corner, to be able to turn this on. From my account, I can do all of this on the same sheet, but he can not. What am I missing for him to…
hello i am trying to use the COUNTIF function, where the range & criterion are the results of a VLOOKUP from another sheet. When the VLOOKUP doesn't find what it is looking for, it returns a #NO MATCH Error and this in turn gives a #NO MATCH error in my COUNTIF. On the VLOOKUP it is looking up an activity against a range…
Multiple Individuals to CC when sending a Email.
Currently when you send an email on a certain row you can only CC one individual and that his yourself. Can I have multiple individuals added to this CC? Typically I am sending correspondence to customers and ideally would like to CC individuals in my company that I have sent a specific email. Presently I have to receive…
Picture upload - resize
Hi, Is it possible to resize photos during upload? Nowadays smartphones has larger picture's mpx which means that file weighs more and more, which is reflected in uploading time. I have a sheet where users has to audit some areas on daily basis and take pictures of all nonconformities. Lowest pic has over 6 mpx and upload…
Font size inconsistent in Print view across multiple pages
Hi All I have multiple sheets and reports, all the same font & size (Arial 10). When I go to print my reports, some pages show the font clearly, and other pages the quality is compromised/ different font size so my text over different pages looks inconsistent. I saw another thread from 2015 addressing a similar issue but…
Start task next day
Hi there, Is there a way to have a task start on the next day, regardless at what time the predecessor finished on the day before? So like a adjustable lag day (or hours) if you want. Thanks!