Adding new workspaces to an existing report
Hi Smartsheet community! I have a workspace that we frequently "save as" for new projects. The format, columns, etc - stay the same for every workspace, every project. Is there a way for my new workspaces to be automatically added to my roll-up report automatically? Please?
How to remove primary email address from another email?
Hi there, I was mistakenly hooked an existing user's email to a new user's email to become primary email. After this, when I removed the existing user and attempted to replace it with a new user, the message pops up and notify me that "existinguser@email.com" is the primary email address for "newuser@email.com". Do you…
Hidden Column Data Viewable in Export
Hello, I have a table where I hid Column C that has confidential information. Viewers and Editors cannot Unhide the columns of Confidential Information. This is amazing. However, here's the kicker... If the viewer/editor Exports the smartsheet they can unhide the hidden columns. How can I stop that to keep these…
Check out/check in - Validating an inventory.
Ok, so I'm trying to use Smartsheet as part of our employee move process. Basically, in the past we've use a paper form to inventory what a person has (PC, monitors, chair, boxes, etc) and then use the same inventory to validate that the correct items arrive at the new location. So, I've created a sheet that will capture…
Entering data in grid view
Is there a way to have a blank row at the top of the grid view (automatically) when entering a new line instead of going to the bottom to add a new line? I know you can insert above, but can it be set to automatically be there?
Formula for counting overdue actions.
I would like to use a COUNTIFS formula to count the actions that are overdue. I've tried using the following formula, but get the error "#UNPARSEABLE" (without the quotation marks). =Countifs([Due Date]:[Due Date],[Due Date}<=TODAY(),Status:Status,<>"Complete") I have put together a similar formula for counting actions…
titles and sub titles
I speak of Brazil, I need the lines to be numbered automatically, for example: 4 - General Projects, a subtitle 4.1 - Electrical Projects and another subtitle 4.1.1 - Terreo Pavement Project, can you do that? Annex follows example .. Att Gelson
Transferring sheet between different Multi-user Plans
I have a scenario where I want to transfer sheets from "Company A" to "Company B" where both companies have their own multi-user plans. Specific Scenario * "Sheet A" created/owned by "user A" in the "Company A" plan and thus stored within the "Company A" plan structure. * "Company B" has their own multi-user plan of…
How to flag AT Risk task
I have Planned FInish Date (Date field), and Actual Finish (Date field) and % Complete field, I want to flag the task if it's past due and incomplete. currently I tried :=IF(OR([Plan Finish]@row - DATEONLY([Actual Finish]@row) < 0, [% Complete]@row < 0), 1) but not working as intended. Thanks DJ
Limiting Access to Hyperlink
Is there a way to prevent the other sheet user to open the a link/URL hyperlink to any row, whenever someone else is using the same link?