Best way to Archive Projects
I was wondering if there is a feature for Archiving? And if so can we archive and them bring them back to the workspace at any time? Thank you!
Bank Statement Checklist and weekly notification of missing statements
Good morning, I am trying to build/find a Bank Statement Checklist that will notifiy me of all missing bank statements. For example, as of today, we should theoretically all bank statements from October 2018 and prior. I would like a monthly email sent out notifying me or somebody of all missing bank statements. I am…
Meeting management template set- access for different people
Dear all, I'm planning to install the Meeting Management template set. I read https://www.smartsheet.com/sites/default/files/Meeting Management Getting Started Guide.pdf My Question is: When I have upset the template and e.g. I want to manage the Meetings of 3 different Groups (R&D, Production, Sales). How can I manage,…
Viewing a Report via a link without the need to be logged into SmartSheet
I have a register which generated various reports by location. I want all staff to be able to just view it without the need to have to register and log in. How would I achieve this? The reports are generated and ready to go. Will I have to do the tedious process of exporting them to pdf then placing them on the intranet as…
Need help getting multiple sheets pulled into a single report in the correct order
I have three "what if" schedules that I'm trying to pull into a single report. They are simply named Scenario 1, Scenario 2, and Scenario 3. No matter what order I select them, the resulting report has #3 in first position, #1 in second, and #2 in last. I did a bulky workaround by adding a Helper Column in each sheet…
Calendar View Issues
Hello! I am using a calendar template and when I select a start date and end date ONLY the start date shows on the calendar. Why is this? How do I fix this? Example attached. I am on PTO from December 19th-December 26th so naturally I select the start date as December 19th and the end date as December 26th, however when I…
Dynamic Dashboards
Hello, I wanted to create a dashboard which displays data only for the <current user> who is logged in, and NOT for everyone in the team. Has anyone done something like this before or has any pointers on how this can be achieved? Thanks !
Horizontal Axis Maximum Range
Does anyone know how to alter the horizontal axis range? I have a chart that is displaying percentages but the horizontal axis maximum percent is set to 120% so pieces of the project are looking as though they are not complete. I tried stretching the chart out and making it smaller, nothing works. In excel you usually have…
Automatic email after completing form
Hi, this is my first inquiry so I may be wrong about this. As far as i can tell, there's no way to send an automatic email to a user that fills a form unless they click the "get my responses" box. Is there a feature that I'm missing? This seems fairly basic for any contact form online.
Help with Card View/Publishing
Hello, I have tasks listed out for my team and want to place the card view of these tasks on our team portal. Is there a way to do this? I only want the card view to show. Also, can this be interactive? For example, if a team member saw a task of theirs on the portal that should actually be listed for a different team…