Duplicate email entry
Hi, I have a SmartSheet form that is collecting information from our customers. We want to record their email address so I have created a field to capture that. I also want to provide the ability for the user to request a copy of their submission - part of the form functionality. The problem I want to eliminate is when…
Collating Multiple Attachments
Hello Everyone! One of the things we use Smartsheet to accomplish is generating contracts using the Document Generation tool. However, once the attachment is created, if we try to print off multiple PDF's from the attachment, they do not collate. This doesn't happen with other programs on the computer, or with the same…
Report on Workflows
Hi, Is there a System Admin report that will provide information if a sheet has a workflow created? I could not find anything. Thank you, Tom
Pull specific values from a column in one sheet to another
Hi! Hoping to find an answer to what seems to be something simple, but may not be. I have a sheet with a list of project types (as values in a dropdown list). In another sheet, I am using Smartsheet DataMesh to pull specific columns over, but for that project list, I only want one project type (example: Display Ads only).…
Setting up a sheets hierarchy/sorting
So I have a sheet that I want to have organized by date, and then have totals based off the figures in that date. This is what I have created so far, but not exactly sure how to have multiple inputs from users per payment on each date. Insights??
Sync column changes across multiple reports
Greetings my Smartsheeters-in-crime, And Happy Friday, all. Random question of the day here We have 60 product managers here all working off of a shared roadmap. I built a report, then modified it (yes, 60 times) for each of the product managers to just show their projects Well, as you could have guessed, after agreeing on…
columns not visible to select while building a summary report
I am unable to view any columns to select from different sheets added to build a summary report. All i am able to view are the system generated columns
Pulling single cells from different columns into one column/multiple rows on a new sheet?
Hi All, I have a checklist form that fills in different columns with a status for each test that is passed or failed. Each row is a different room. If a test is failed, there is a 'Notes' column beside the test status column that gets filled in about why a check failed. This all works great. What I would like to do from…
% Complete Today Vs Actual % Complete
Hi,Does any one know if there is any calculations which says % Complete date as on TODAY by calculating Planned start, Planned finish and “current date”. (lets call it % Complete Today) I was looking for a formula which gives below calculations. (I’m comparing it with actual % Complete) [% Complete Today VS Actual %…
how to find out if an email exists?
Hi all, I have a list of people with emails in my smartsheet. Some of them left the company, how can I find out from smartsheet that their email not exist anymore and to mark them in the sheet? Thank you, Joachim