Smartsheet reporting and dashboard
Hi, Attached below is a screenshot of a Smartsheet dashboard that we have had set up on our project by someone else. The dashboard data is being driven by a report which is in turn being driven by a stats sheet (screenshots also attached below). I have a couple of questions in relation to setting up a different dashboard…
Hi I am currently running reports which summarise an individual's outstanding actions across different smartsheets. The idea is that they can update the report rather than having to look at multiple reports however when trying to add in comments they cant - am I correct in thinking that they can only add comments for…
Resource Report View
Wondering if there is a way to create a resource view that is more of a traditional calendar view?
Smartsheet assistance in the UK
Hi Is there anybody that does freelance Smartsheet work in the UK ? I want to set up a sheet for a live project. I have tried doing it myself but have used up way too much time trying to get a Smartsheet going. Thanks Michael.
Barcodes count and verification
Hello all, I'm looking to implement a process where I can count how many times a particular barcode label has been scanned. This will help me to verify that all the items that belong to a single unit are leaving the workshop after going through the fabrication and painting process. Can you think of a process using…
Create a SubSection of a form
Hello, I am working on a form and was wondering if there is a way to not have a label for one of the sections. Currently I am using the Section dividers to group the main questions so I don't want to use these again since the formatting would be confusing. but I have one question that has 2 smaller parts. So I want to have…
Update/Approval request after declined
Hello, I am using Smartsheet for budget requests. The alerts & actions are set to send an approval request when the requester submits the online budget request form. If the approver declines the request, an update request is sent to the original requester where the comments, attachments, dollar amount can be updated. How…
SUMIFS formula
Hi, I have a set of a set of data that I am trying to do a SUMIF formula on and am having difficulty finding the correct formula, Essentially I have 3 columns. Project Quarter Pyramid Sample Size I am trying to sumif the Sample Size column range if the criterian is met for a specific project quarter and pryamid. For…
Hi, I am interrested to know if we can filter on report on mobile apps. I explain, on computer we have the possibility to choose filters by Where, Who, What, and/or. It is really helpful to have an activity follow up linked to many sheets. On mobile, for the same report, I don't find the way to do it. Do I miss something…
calendar and linked registrations
Has anybody used SmartSheet to mass distribute a calendar with multiple events shown and connected independent links so people can select and register for each of the separate events?