Dark Mode feature need
How can we get a dark mode feature into the pipeline? It's very common these days for reports and forms to throttle between regular and dark mode. Hope this can be done easily to stay up to date.
Metric Widget Column Header
I am trying to grab data from my dashboard metrics sheet in such a way that data is associated with the selected column header, as opposed to the actual column header. I am trying to use the Metric Widget like how I use the Chart Widget, but am getting results like in the screenshot, attached, where the heading I am…
Sharing with non Google mails
Hi, Is it possible to Share sheets with non Google accounts? If so, which password do they use to enter? Thanks
Completion Status Bar with the Task Bar
This is a fairly straight forward question and I think I might know the answer, BUT here it goes. The completion status bar within the task bar is typically driven by the % Complete column. It appears that column (for the bar to work correctly) has to be manually entered. If I use a formula, it will give me a % but will…
Product Suggestion - Admin Issues
This popped into my head as we have one of our licensed users who just refuses to share anything with any of us. What happens if they create a lot of important sheets that contain data and part ways with the company, how do we access this? The Super Admin should automatically have the ability to have access or a backup to…
Cell Value Minus -? Is this possible in Smartsheet
I am working on a pretty massive data sheet and I have 4 years that are broken down by Months and then by Days of the Week. =SUMIFS({Resources_Required Data}, {Group_Name}, $[Primary Column]$197, {Weather Data}, $[Primary Column]$214, {Day of Week Data}, $[Primary Column]215, {ADD_TIMESTAMP Data}, >=DATE(2016, 1, 1),…
Nesting Parent(Parent())? Is that a thing?
I had a super long post but I'm finding that the people who tend to respond are people who want to be hired as consultants. I'm not really interested in that, so I figured out my own issues the best way I could. :) I've got myself to this point =SUMIFS({Resources_Required Data}, {Group_Name}, {Group 3}, {Weather Data},…
Report Features
Hi, may I know can I add any bar or pie chart and customize the design of the smart sheet report just like the widget in the dashboard? Thank you.
Smartsheet loading blank page
Is anyone else getting a blank page when they log into Smartsheet? I get the blue bar at the top but nothing else.
Number less than zero is shown as a zero
Hello again community, I am hoping someone can help me understand the right way to write this formula for what I am trying to achieve. I am wanting to subtract one cell from another which in some cases provides a negative number. I would like the formula to pick up on this negative number and output a 0 in place of the…