Resource Management - Ability to unlock time entry for the rejected hours only.
Ability to update only rejected hours at the time card level. Time Card has hours submitted for various projects that are potentially owned by different project owners. Current configuration is project owners are to approve time. If one owner approves hours on their project, but another owner rejects hours on their…
Configure email address of workflow automation
Requirement: It shall be possible to configure the "local part" (before the @ symbol) from an email address which is used as automation address in Smartsheet workflows/automations. E.g. instead of automation@customer.com the local part (here: automation) shall be configurable and replaceable (e.g. support@customer.com) in…
Turn Off Batch Update Requests
Would recommend having the ability to turn off batch update requests sent from multiple rows from a sheet. Having it set as default is fine, however, we have had a lot of complaints from users that they can get confusing. When batched, they clear out the details we pull in from the sheet to the body of the request.…
Automation Times
Would highly suggest allowing automations and automatic report emails to be able to send on 15-minute intervals instead of only at the top of an hour. The reports/automations can naturally be slightly delayed, so having them send out 15 minutes prior to a meeting (for example) would be extremely helpful. My team has a lot…
Automate Inviting to a Proof + Approval Tracking
Please automate inviting someone to a proof and track approvals.
Allow for access via Shared Link without having to add folks
Kind of like Google or the Office suite does— having the ability to create a link that is viewable to "anyone on the Internet" vs. having to add folks to a shared sheet or workspace. Would be immensely helpful for large projects where you constantly have resources changing and need to have a variety of stakeholders…
Ensure Backup Downloads Include Attachments
I recently went through a support engagement where our backups would not download, and the root cause turned out to be A) the backups were configured to include attachments, and B) there were either too many attachments or some attachments were too large. In the end, Support offered me these ideas: Configure the backups to…
Swap Form IDs to Retain URL
Idea Submission: Swap Form IDs to Retain URL Description of requested feature: I propose adding a feature that allows users to swap the ID of an existing form with that of a new form. This would enable retaining the original form URL while displaying the content of the new form. Benefits of this feature: Avoid URL updates:…
approval comment upgrades
Currently, there is no requirement to complete the 'A Comment" field on an approval request. If a request is denied, we are looking for a response as to WHY for the requester. without the requirement I was going to build a workaround to build an automation if the a comment column was left blank and the status was declined…
Direct syncing of RM phase-level time bookings to Smartsheet
With the implementation of phase integration between Smartsheet and RM, it would be helpful to be able to directly sync the number of hours booked in RM against a phase directly back to the associated Smartsheet row. I appreciate that it is possible to achieve this using Advanced Reports and lookups, but client feedback…