Card View Printing
Hello, Looking to get a brainstorm going for card view printing in Smartsheet. This functionality would be beneficial to end-users. Thanks!
Task Reminder: set time
I love the reminder function within the sheets, however - it would be great if for each reminder you could set a custom time for that reminder. not just a custom date!
Annual Leave should not count towards available hours
On Resource Management, annual leave hours should not be counted as available hours otherwise it provides a faulty percentage or utilisation purposes. If someone is on leave that person is obviously unavailable. This directly impacts on the utilisation percent and in order to make it more reasonable, I'm having to log the…
Preserve specific email address in a Workflow rule in a Template
Allow for a Workflow saved in a Template to preserve any rule configured to be sent to a specific email address (as opposed to a Contact list column) when the Template is used to create a new Sheet. This way, you won't have to re-enter the specific email address in the workflow each time the Template is used to create a…
Ability to Set a Workflow for a Specific Row
We use Smartsheet for project management. The stakeholders would like a notification when the timeline for the project increases. The ability to set a workflow to trigger if a date field is greater than a specified date would also be helpful.
Allow Form Submission Details to be Sent in Alternative Format to Sheet Format
Please help make the details from a Form submission sent be sent to the Form designer in the same format it is displayed when the user enters the data in the Form. Right now, it will only display the data in the sheet format after it has been submitted. Though, it will allow the person filling out the form to send a copy…
Automatically update all resources through Resource Management panel
As of now the user has to manually click "Update All" in the Resource Management panel to submit their changes to Resource Management which leaves a lot of room for error. When you have a large team working with 10-20 Smartsheets, there is bound to be times when a user forgets to hit "Update All". If your HR team is…
ODBC connector doesn't expose Sheet Summary data
In testing with Tableau, we found that the ODBC connector doesn't expose data from the Sheet Summary reports. That really reduces the usefulness of the Summary for enterprise integration.
clone conditionnal formatting
Hi, when I clone conditionnal formatting because I want to apply it to multiple columns, it erases the criteria that I wanted to keep, how is that cloning it? example: column1 goes red when "in the next" "50"days clone it, change to column 2 and insterad of staying "is in the next" "50" it changes to "contains"
formula handbook for EU region
could you give access to the formula handbook to all regions? Thanks